Leaving Virtual-8086 mode
Re:Leaving Virtual-8086 mode
BUG #1 fixed: to catch correctly the exceptions the interrupt gate in the IDT must point to a non-conforming, privilege-level 0, code segment.
At row 209 I wrote:
db 0x9E ; Code, Present, Non-conforming, Exec/read (1,0,0,1,1110)
...sorry... it's not a non-conforming segment (0x9E=10011110), so replace this line with:
db 0x9A ; Code, Present, Non-conforming, Exec/read (1,0,0,1,1010)
But there is always the main error... when a timer interrupt occurs VMware generates an internal monitor error!!! >:(
Maybe a VMware bug ???
At row 209 I wrote:
db 0x9E ; Code, Present, Non-conforming, Exec/read (1,0,0,1,1110)
...sorry... it's not a non-conforming segment (0x9E=10011110), so replace this line with:
db 0x9A ; Code, Present, Non-conforming, Exec/read (1,0,0,1,1010)
But there is always the main error... when a timer interrupt occurs VMware generates an internal monitor error!!! >:(
Maybe a VMware bug ???