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Tryin to decide.

Posted: Sun Mar 25, 2001 12:00 am
by ATG
Hey d00dz... I'm tryin to decide what to do nekst.

I have two choices in front of me... Get a special MIPS
based develing platform. I could implement something much
closer to ideal on it though I'd probably be just about
the only moron on the continent to be able to run it...
The biggest advantage of this plan is that it would give
me something that is really ready for prime-time right from
version 1.0.

The other choice is to go ahead with that half-baked idea
I spewed nearly two weeks ago in "time to move to the next level".
A system based on that design would be sub-optimal if not seriously
defective as a production system but just about anyone would be able
to run it on their crappy PCs... Another problem with this second
solution is that I will have to spend more than a few months getting
a kernel up and running before I can go ahead an do any true OS
development... =\


RE:Tryin to decide.

Posted: Mon Mar 26, 2001 12:00 am
by Nick
>On 2001-03-25 18:27:57, ATG wrote:
>Hey d00dz... I'm tryin to decide what to do nekst.
>I have two choices in front of me... Get a special MIPS
>based develing platform. I could implement something much
>closer to ideal on it though I'd probably be just about
>the only moron on the continent to be able to run it...

A continent is a big place, and full of morons. There would be at least 2, maybe 3 other morons who could also run it, but you'd be pushing it by saying 4.

[End Sarcasm]


RE:Tryin to decide.

Posted: Sat Mar 31, 2001 12:00 am
by sup
if you build it they will come!

You could just write a translator (code morpher)
to run the stuff on an x86.