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why the string can't display

Posted: Fri Nov 15, 2002 12:25 pm
by wentong
why the string can't display

ORG 0x7c00

BOOTSEG equ    0x07c0
INITSEG equ    0x600

   ;move all the code to 0x6000
   jmp   start1


   mov   ax,BOOTSEG
   mov   ds,ax
   mov   ax,INITSEG
   mov   es,ax
   mov   cx,256
   sub   si,si
   sub   di,di
   rep    movsw

   jmp    INITSEG:go
   mov   ax,cs
   mov   ds,ax
   mov   es,ax
   mov   ss,ax
   mov   sp,0x400   ; arbitrary value >>512

   ;read the cursor position
   mov   ah,0x03   ; read cursor pos
   xor   bh,bh
   int   0x10

   ;display the string
   mov   cx,24
   mov   bx,0x0007   ; page 0, attribute 7 (normal)
   mov   bp,msg1
   mov   ax,0x1301   ; write string, move cursor
   int   0x10

   jmp $

   db 13,10
   db "Loading system ..."
   db 13,10,13,10

times 510-($-$$) db 0
dw 0xAA55

Re:why the string can't display

Posted: Wed Nov 20, 2002 10:42 am
by Tom
I've used code like that...your using bochs right? I've noticed that BOCHS doesn't print even when the code is correct :-\