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Keyboard driver :(

Posted: Sun Nov 10, 2002 5:18 am
by Unexpected
[attachment deleted by admin]

Re:Keyboard driver :(

Posted: Sun Nov 10, 2002 1:27 pm
by Unexpected
Hey, please help... I don't know whats the problem :(

Re:Keyboard driver :(

Posted: Sun Nov 10, 2002 2:23 pm
by Tom is my code...couldn't find a error with yours....

[url];action=display;threadid=1819]look here and scroll down to see my code.....


Re:Keyboard driver :(

Posted: Wed Nov 13, 2002 12:11 pm
by Tom
Did that help?

Re:Keyboard driver :(

Posted: Wed Nov 13, 2002 12:23 pm
by Whatever5k
By the way, it isn't a good idea to put functions in header files (.h). Code belongs into .c files, prototypes of functions into .h files...
Anyway, the KBD_Key() function doesn't print anything on the screen - it only returns a value. So perphaps the bug is your printf() function or something else...

Re:Keyboard driver :(

Posted: Wed Nov 13, 2002 12:40 pm
by Tom
I put functions in my header file since I like the C++ style...and soon moving my kernel to C++.

Re:Keyboard driver :(

Posted: Wed Nov 13, 2002 12:41 pm
by Tom
oh yea...was that My kernel you where talking about?

Re:Keyboard driver :(

Posted: Thu Nov 14, 2002 6:31 am
by Tim
You still get the same problems with C++. Header files define the interface to the code, source files define the actual implementation. Headers for prototypes and type definitions, sources for functions.

Re:Keyboard driver :(

Posted: Sat Nov 16, 2002 6:36 am
by Unexpected
Function perhaps work fine, but I don't understand with IRQ...
I need to set IRQ1 vector to my KBD_Key() function?