Does anyone know anywhere where I can find the
advantages and disadvantages of different
programming languages for writing Operating
Any Help greatly appreciated!
>On 2001-03-14 10:19:15, Iain wrote:
>Does anyone know anywhere where I can find the
>advantages and disadvantages of different
>programming languages for writing Operating
You probably won't find anything useful. Almost
every OS project uses C with a little bit of assembly.
There are a couple of OS projects entirely in Asm and a
few using C++. There is a little C++ info here
Besides C was written for system programming, it'd be
silly not to use it.
>Does anyone know anywhere where I can find the
>advantages and disadvantages of different
>programming languages for writing Operating
You probably won't find anything useful. Almost
every OS project uses C with a little bit of assembly.
There are a couple of OS projects entirely in Asm and a
few using C++. There is a little C++ info here
Besides C was written for system programming, it'd be
silly not to use it.