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Posted: Sat Oct 19, 2002 9:06 am
by asymetrix

can someone tell me which is the latest scheduling algorithm around ?

I heard that a prioritized preemptive round robin algorithm was best in 1990.

is this still the case ?

where can I find out about resources for scheduling analysis ?

furthermore I would like to know how to implement distributed processing within above schedule algorithm.

regards, asy


Posted: Sat Oct 19, 2002 7:50 pm
by Tom
I thought my secret round robin sceduling was super-de-duper when I thougt of it, but the algorithem is called
Policy-Driven Scheduling...I'd give you more info but I have to use oven mittens to read my book ( Operating Systems: Design and Implemetation ) because I'm alergic to it ( sorry forgot how to spell that, i'll check it later ) :-[ :-[ :-[

If someone knows a better algorithm, i'm happy to know about it, even though my OS is nowhere near that stage.

If you want info on Policy-Driven Scheduling, try using

Hope that helps,


Posted: Wed Oct 23, 2002 9:45 am
by asymetrix

thanks for that info :)

i heard Round robin or policy driven scheduling was used in the AmigaOS.

I see new machines are due out soon - so I want to know more about scheduling.

later, asy