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Need a FDC Example not a Tutorial

Posted: Wed Oct 16, 2002 11:52 pm
by PlayOS
Hi guys,

I have seen alot of tutorials and stuff come through here on how to program a FDC driver. The problem is they tell you all this stuff and then they say so do this

Step 1.
Step 2.

But this is silly, what I am after is a simple example of a DMA transfer between floppy and memory or vice-versa. It only needs to transfer even 1 byte just something that I can use to understand the process.

When it comes to waiting for an IRQ I dont need anything like that just say something like now wait for the IRQ.

Maybe someone has some easy to understand code that they could post, I dont want a complete driver, I actually want to code my own, but I just need something that will show an actual transfer.


Re:Need a FDC Example not a Tutorial

Posted: Sat Oct 19, 2002 11:55 am
by Ozguxxx
Hi I want to ask a question. Is that FDC driver going to do data transfer(e.g. read sectors, write sectors. etc)?

Re:Need a FDC Example not a Tutorial

Posted: Sat Oct 19, 2002 12:46 pm
by grey wolf
you could try looking through these docs:

Re:Need a FDC Example not a Tutorial

Posted: Mon Oct 21, 2002 7:50 am
by Pype.Clicker
grey wolf wrote: you could try looking through these docs:
very valuable link !!