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Reading from files at kernel level

Posted: Mon Feb 26, 2001 12:00 am
by Collin

I am wondering if it would be possible to modify some simple
asm code to read from a file at the kernel level. Also, is
it possible to read files at the kernel level, file system
notwithstanding? Can this be done?


RE:eading from files at kernel level

Posted: Wed Feb 28, 2001 12:00 am
by Nick
>On 2001-02-26 17:56:14, Collin wrote:
>I am wondering if it would be possible to modify some simple
>asm code to read from a file at the kernel level.
You sure can.

>Also, is it possible to read files at the kernel level, file system
>notwithstanding? Can this be done?

It all depends on your kernel design. If you have your file handling
(reading, writing, deleting, etc...) code in your kernel then you can.
Linux *CAN* do this since it is a monolithic kernel, and all it's
functions (including the file system) are inside the kernel.
