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Paging problems..

Posted: Sat Feb 24, 2001 12:00 am
by Crg^
Hey, I dont know about the paging mechanism.. First of all
to create a basic page table I need a lot of ram- 1Mb. Then
if I want for other appz. other memory mappings then I'll
need some memory too, anyone can give me an algoritm?

RE:Paging problems..

Posted: Sat Feb 24, 2001 12:00 am
by Guest
>On 2001-02-24 10:43:07, Crg^ wrote:
>Hey, I dont know about the paging mechanism.. First of
>to create a basic page table I need a lot of ram- 1Mb.
>if I want for other appz. other memory mappings then
>need some memory too, anyone can give me an algoritm?

You only need 8k for a _basic_ page table + directory.
4k for each. That's all you need.

As for how to do it... I'm in the process of implementing
it in my OS.

in my memory.Allocate() I allocate a chunk of 4k blocks.
If I don't have enough 4k blocks to make the allocation,
I page a few blocks to disk (the least used ones) and
then allocate and map those blocks to the program
wishing the memory.

RE:Paging problems..

Posted: Mon Feb 26, 2001 12:00 am
by Alexei Frounze
>On 2001-02-24 10:43:07, Crg^ wrote:
>Hey, I dont know about the paging mechanism.. First of
>to create a basic page table I need a lot of ram- 1Mb.
>if I want for other appz. other memory mappings then
>need some memory too, anyone can give me an algoritm?

That's simple enough.
See either 386 manual or IA software developer's
manual (vol 3:system programming).
Examples are available at

Good Luck