Wow! thats really impressive. You are actually making an OS! Do you remove windows and use yours when youre finished?
Well, Good luck!
You people are making your own OS?
Re:You people are making your own OS?
hell no i dont remove windows
I keep windows because its much better than anything I could make! lol
Mine just boots off of a floppy and there are ways that you can have multiple operating systems on one computer at the same time. I have windows XP and linux on this computer
I keep windows because its much better than anything I could make! lol
Mine just boots off of a floppy and there are ways that you can have multiple operating systems on one computer at the same time. I have windows XP and linux on this computer
Re:You people are making your own OS?
I'm creating Storm OS, now there is a mini kernel and bootloader, kernel works just in real mode.
I'm creating an OS to learn.
I'm using Win98 and Linux
I'm creating an OS to learn.
I'm using Win98 and Linux
Re:You people are making your own OS?
No... My "OS" is in its really early stages so it wouldn't be so good to remove Win then... I hope that it will be better than or at least equal to Windows someday... But even if that would happen, I would probably have Windows in at least one box... for sentimental reasons