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Posted: Sun Jun 30, 2002 7:34 am
by jedld
Anyone know how to use ACPI to turn off the computer via software? (Assuming a 32-bit protected mode OS)
Posted: Sun Jun 30, 2002 11:50 am
by drizzt
Maybe this will help you:
INT 15 - Advanced Power Management v1.0+ - CONNECT 32-BIT PROTMODE INTERFACE
AX = 5303h
BX = device ID of system BIOS (0000h)
Return: CF clear if successful
AX = real-mode segment base address of protected-mode 32-bit code
EBX = offset of entry point
CX = real-mode segment base address of protected-mode 16-bit code
DX = real-mode segment base address of protected-mode 16-bit data
---APM v1.1---
SI = APM BIOS code segment length
DI = APM BIOS data segment length
CF set on error
AH = error code (02h,05h,07h,08h,09h) (see #00473)
Notes: the caller must initialize three consecutive descriptors with the
returned segment base addresses for 32-bit code, 16-bit code, and
16-bit data, respectively; these descriptors must be valid whenever
the protected-mode interface is called, and will have their limits
arbitrarily set to 64K.
the protected mode interface is invoked by making a far call to the
32-bit code segment with the same register values as for INT 15; it
must be invoked while CPL=0, the code segment descriptor must have a
DPL of 0, the stack must be in a 32-bit segment and have enough room
for BIOS use and possible interrupts, and the current I/O permission
bit map must allow access to the I/O ports used for power management.
functions 00h-03h are not available from protected mode
on connection, an APM v1.1 or v1.2 BIOS switches to APM v1.0
compatibility mode until it is informed that the user supports a
newer version of APM