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Burn Diskettes

Posted: Mon Aug 06, 2001 12:28 pm
by NokouT
Wrote a asm code for booting the disk pass the .asm to .bin with nasm, then when passing to the first sector of the diskette use rawdisk...
(1)Anyone can tell me a site to download other program like that?
(2)Can i only use rawdisk one time in a diskette?
(3)When passing the .bin file to the diskette, exploring with windows explorer i see the file?
(4)Who da hell can be hard just writing a boot file  :) ...

tks to who reply
if anyone replies...

Re: Burn Diskettes

Posted: Mon Aug 06, 2001 9:50 pm
by df
you can write a bootsector to the disk as many times as you want.

no, you should not see a bootsector in windows file explorer/manager.

there are better tools than rawwrite (iirc, rawwrite would rather have an entire disk image, instead of 1 sector...)

imo, forget the bootsector, use an existing tool (like GRUB, XOSL, etc)