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Where to begin

Posted: Mon May 14, 2001 3:52 am
by b.c.

I am a novice programmer. I don't yet know enough to write an operating system,but the interest is there. I am just wondering what I should begin with in programming that will lead me to this goal. What languages and projects are best to start with? Any advice is greatly appreciated. Thanks.

Re: Where to begin

Posted: Tue May 15, 2001 1:54 am
by osteron
Writing an operating system is quite a large and complicated task, and sadly not for the novice. I suggest getting more confident in C/C++ and dabling in some assembly before thinking on the scale of an operating system - then try checking out any exisiting operating systems projects to see what's involved - several of these on Also I suggest subscribing to alt.os.development and checking out what goes on there.


Re: Where to begin

Posted: Tue May 15, 2001 2:29 am
by b.c.
Thank you. That is the general direction in which I am working. I am aware of the complexity involved, which is why I know I need to get much better before I attempt it.

Re: Where to begin

Posted: Tue May 15, 2001 10:06 am
by df
Some knowledge of hardware (kinda minimal really) and some basic theory on how an OS works, or how you _think_ it should work :D  and a language like C.

You could go all assembly.

Re: Where to begin

Posted: Fri May 18, 2001 6:12 am
by b.c.
Thanks again. That is actually getting me off in the right direction.

Re: Where to begin

Posted: Wed May 23, 2001 9:42 am
by Alexei A. Frounze
Thanks again. That is actually getting me off in the right direction.
:P actually, OS theory is a must, if you're doing something in this area.

Re: Where to begin

Posted: Thu May 24, 2001 11:11 pm
by osteron
Check out Alexei's newgroup reply to a similar question... ... a2cd219,11

thread 5, I think...


What to start with...

Posted: Sun Jul 01, 2001 4:05 pm
by CROsoft
If you havn't started on any language yet, then Qbasic is probably the best to get an idea of programming with. Because you can not actually make an OS with Qbasic, you would then be best to move on to C or Assembly. Qbasic is one of the easiest languages, and is the one that a lot of people start with. If you have Windows 95(98?), then you have Qbasic on your Windows CD, in the other\oldmsdos directory, or you could just search the CD for "QBASIC" with the Windows find program. Qbasic has a very good help file with it for all the different commands. Anyway, whatever you do start with, I hope you go very well with it!


Re: Where to begin

Posted: Tue Jan 29, 2002 5:50 am
by Jordan C.
I've got QBASIC if you don't have it. [email protected]
I'd give you the link to where i got it (on the net) but i forgot

I've downloaded quite a few GUIs written in QB, so you could start there, that's where I'm going to start.

Re: What to start with...

Posted: Thu Jan 31, 2002 9:48 am
by Jordan_C.
If you havn't started on any language yet, then Qbasic is probably the best to get an idea of programming with. Because you can not actually make an OS with Qbasic, you would then be best to move on to C or Assembly. Qbasic is one of the easiest languages, and is the one that a lot of people start with.

I just finished learning's GR8. I'd defininately get my feet wet in it if I were you, if you havn't already. Personally, I started with GW-[basic], it made learning Q a lot easier.
Qbasic has a very good help file with it for all the different commands
I quite disagree. The QB help file sucks.
I've got quite a few tutorials I'm going to load onto my website here in about a week or two (It will be on

Re: Where to begin

Posted: Thu Jan 31, 2002 2:31 pm
by K.J.
If you have a Win95 CD, search it for Qbasic.exe :).

If you don't really know any lanuage yet, I would highly recomend that you start with QBasic because it's fairly easy to learn, and most of what you learn can be applied to C/C++. A good place for QBasic tutorials are where else but:
