I try to switch between tasks. I tried f.e. this:
jmp ax:0
(ax is loaded with a tss-selector)
but nasm says no. It will only work with immediate values f.e.:
jmp 8:0
How can i solve this problem?
taskswitch - how
Re: taskswitch - how
I think you can only use segment registers with the JMP commands, try something like this:
PUSH AX ;Push AX value onto stack
POP SI ;put the value into SI
JMP SI:0x0000 ;Jump
PUSH AX ;Push AX value onto stack
POP SI ;put the value into SI
JMP SI:0x0000 ;Jump
Re: taskswitch - how
jmp double [memory_address_here] etc.
or cast them onto the stack and iret/retf
or cast them onto the stack and iret/retf
-- Stu --