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How to build your own operating system? What must be there?

Posted: Mon May 01, 2006 11:00 pm
by Ras
Hi guys

I am total newbie and have no experience in developing an operating system.

I have an assignment about:

How to build an operating system and
what do i need?

Cant find any spot on info on the net really, Wondering if you guys can help me with some info or links. Help will really be appreciated!!


Re: How to build your own operating system? What must be the

Posted: Mon May 01, 2006 11:00 pm
by Kicer
i think at the begining You should go here ->
there are generally explained simple things
when You understand what's going on then read intel docs

after it You can start :)

Re: How to build your own operating system? What must be the

Posted: Mon May 01, 2006 11:00 pm
by JAAman
well, you will need a compiler in the language of you choice, capable of compiling freestanding code

an assembler (if your using C/C++ then you prob have one with your compiler, but you could also use a separate one if you are more compfortable with it)

documentation (extremely important) (see below)

a place to ask questions:
here (
MT (

these are some of my most important resources:
## ---- ----- ------ Intel Manuals
this one will soon become your best friend (download all 4 and read them (several times)-- esp vol 3, and at least become familier with vol 2(A and B) if your new to asm, vol 1 will give you a good overview from an app-developers standpoint

you can also order these in hard-copies (they are free, including shipping) but they are currently unavailible (the printed version is currently being revised -- should be availible again toward the end of the month (iirc))

## ---- ----- RBIL
lots of good information about the BIOS, CMOS, ports, and I/O space for 'standard' parts

lots of technical information about almost everything

info and source from the most well respected OSdever in the biz -- he doesnt post to forums much, but hes always right -- if you are serious about OSdeving, you will quote him or recommend his source eventually

OS faq
answers a lot of questions -- very helpful

OSdev is a very big and very complex field, so general questions dont usually get good (if any) answers, it is all about research -- be very good at research, and read every post and question you can

the first question you will need to ask yourself (do not ask anyone else, as it will start a flame-war) is whether to use your own boot-loader, or use grub

this is a question only you can answer, but most people have a very strong opinion (which is why i wont start a war by giving my opinion) on both sides -- its really is a very personal question, but most people think there is only correct answer

hope i have been some help to you, please respond if you have any more specific questions