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// Function to extract parts of a virtual address
#define PML4_INDEX(va) (((va) >> 39) & 0x1FF) // Bits 39-47
#define PDPT_INDEX(va) (((va) >> 30) & 0x1FF) // Bits 30-38
#define PD_INDEX(va) (((va) >> 21) & 0x1FF) // Bits 21-29
#define PT_INDEX(va) (((va) >> 12) & 0x1FF) // Bits 12-20
#define PAGE_OFFSET(va) ((va) & 0xFFF) // Bits 0-11
typedef struct page {
uint64_t present : 1;
uint64_t rw : 1;
uint64_t user : 1;
uint64_t pwt : 1;
uint64_t pcd : 1;
uint64_t accessed : 1;
uint64_t dirty : 1;
uint64_t pat : 1;
uint64_t global : 1;
uint64_t ignored : 3;
uint64_t frame : 40;
uint64_t reserved : 11;
uint64_t nx : 1;
} __attribute__((packed)) page_t;
typedef struct entry {
uint64_t present : 1;
uint64_t rw : 1;
uint64_t user : 1;
uint64_t pwt : 1;
uint64_t pcd : 1;
uint64_t accessed : 1;
uint64_t dirty : 1;
uint64_t pat : 1;
uint64_t global : 1;
uint64_t ignored : 3;
uint64_t frame : 40;
uint64_t reserved : 11;
uint64_t nx : 1;
} __attribute__((packed)) entry_t;
typedef struct pt {
page_t pages[512];
} __attribute__((aligned(PAGE_SIZE))) pt_t;
typedef struct pd {
uint64_t entry_t[512]; // Each entry have Physical addresses of PTs
} __attribute__((aligned(PAGE_SIZE))) pd_t;
typedef struct pdpt {
uint64_t entry_t[512]; // Each entry have Physical addresses of PDs
} __attribute__((aligned(PAGE_SIZE))) pdpt_t;
typedef struct pml4 {
uint64_t entry_t[512]; // Each entry have Physical addresses of PDPTs
} __attribute__((aligned(PAGE_SIZE))) pml4_t;
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extern uint64_t *frames;
extern uint64_t nframes;
extern uint64_t placement_address; // The value of it will set in kernel.c
extern uint64_t mem_end_address; // The value of it will set in kernel.c
pml4_t * current_pml4;
pml4_t * kernel_pml4;
// Function to allocate a frame.
void alloc_frame(page_t *page, int is_kernel, int is_writeable)
if (page->frame != 0)
return; // Frame was already allocated, return straight away.
uint64_t idx = first_frame(); // idx is now the index of the first free frame.
if (idx == (uint64_t)-1)
// PANIC is just a macro that prints a message to the screen then hits an infinite loop.
print("No free frames!");
set_frame(idx*0x1000); // this frame is now ours!
page->present = 1; // Mark it as present.
page->rw = (is_writeable)?1:0; // Should the page be writeable?
page->user = (is_kernel)?0:1; // Should the page be user-mode?
page->frame = placement_address + idx*PAGE_SIZE;
placement_address += PAGE_SIZE;
// Function to deallocate a frame.
void free_frame(page_t *page)
uint64_t frame;
if (!(frame=page->frame))
return; // The given page didn't actually have an allocated frame!
clear_frame(frame); // Frame is now free again.
page->frame = 0x0; // Page now doesn't have a frame.
void print_cr3() {
uint64_t cr3;
// Read the CR3 register
asm volatile("mov %%cr3, %0" : "=r"(cr3));
// Print the value of CR3
print("CR3 register value: ");
void initialise_paging()
{ /*
placement_address = 0x100000
mem_end_address = 0x105000
mem_range = 0x105000 - 0x100000 = 0x5000 = 20 KB
total_no_of_pages = mem_range / PAGE_SIZE = 0x5000 / 0x1000 = 0x5
required_pages = nframes(8B) + PML4 (4KB) + PDPT (4KB) + PD (4KB) + PT (4KB) + PAGES(4n KB) = 8B + 16 KB + 4n KB
* for single page required memory = 20.1 KB
* for double page required memory = 24.1 KB
* for triple page required memory = 28.1 KB (*****)
* for qudra page required memory = 32.1 KB
print("Paging Start\n");
print("=>placement_address : ");
print(", ");
print("Memory End Address : ");
nframes = (mem_end_address - placement_address) / 0x1000;
frames = (uint64_t *) kmalloc(INDEX_FROM_BIT(nframes)); // less of 4 kb memory aligned
memset(frames, 0, INDEX_FROM_BIT(nframes));
// Allocate and zero-initialize the PML4 table
kernel_pml4 = (pml4_t *) kmalloc_a(sizeof(pml4_t), 1); // 4 kb memory aligned
memset(kernel_pml4, 0, sizeof(pml4_t));
current_pml4 = kernel_pml4;
print("Total number of frames : ");
// Identity-map the physical memory up to `placement_address`
uint64_t i = placement_address;
while( i < mem_end_address) // increment 4kb i.e. 0x1000
// Kernel code is readable but not writeable from user space
page_t *page = get_page(i, 1, kernel_pml4);
alloc_frame(page, 0, 0);
i += 0x1000;
print("placement_address : ");
// switch_to_page_table(kernel_pml4); // Enable paging
void switch_to_page_table(pml4_t *pml4) {
// Update the global current PML4 pointer
uint64_t physical_address = (uint64_t) pml4;
// Load the physical address of the new PML4 table into CR3
asm volatile("mov %0, %%cr3" :: "r"((uint64_t) physical_address) : "memory");
// Enable paging by setting the paging (PG) bit in CR0
// uint64_t cr0;
// asm volatile("mov %%cr0, %0" : "=r"(cr0)); // Read CR0
// cr0 |= 0x80000000; // Set the PG bit (bit 31)
// asm volatile("mov %0, %%cr0" :: "r"(cr0)); // Write CR0
page_t *get_page(uint64_t address, int make, pml4_t *pml4) {
uint64_t pml4_idx = PML4_INDEX(address);
uint64_t pdpt_idx = PDPT_INDEX(address);
uint64_t pd_idx = PD_INDEX(address);
uint64_t pt_idx = PT_INDEX(address);
print("PML4 index : ");
print(", ");
print("PDPT index : ");
print(", ");
print("PD index : ");
print(", ");
print("PT index : ");
// Resolve PML4 entry
if (!(pml4->entry_t[pml4_idx] & 0x1)) { // Check if entry is present
if (make) {
pdpt_t *new_pdpt = (pdpt_t *) kmalloc_a(sizeof(pdpt_t), 1); // create a new pdpt with 4 kb aligned
memset(new_pdpt, 0, sizeof(pdpt_t)); // Zero out memory for safety
pml4->entry_t[pml4_idx] = ((uint64_t)new_pdpt & ~0xFFF) << 12 | 0x3; // pml4 will hold address of new_pdpt and make it present and writable
} else {
return NULL; // Entry not present and not creating
print("pml4 addr : ");
print_hex((uint64_t) pml4);
print(", ");
print("content of pml4.entries[pml4_idx] : ");
pdpt_t *pdpt = (pdpt_t *)((pml4->entry_t[pml4_idx] >> 12 & ~0xFFF)); // create pdpt from pml4->entry_t[pml4_idx]
// Resolve PDPT entry
if (!(pdpt->entry_t[pdpt_idx] & 0x1)) { // Check if entry is present
if (make) {
pd_t *new_pd = (pd_t *)kmalloc_a(sizeof(pd_t), 1); // making new pd with 4 kb aligned
memset(new_pd, 0, sizeof(pd_t));
pdpt->entry_t[pdpt_idx] = ((uint64_t)new_pd & ~0xFFF) << 12 | 0x3;
} else {
return NULL;
print("pdpt addr : ");
print_hex((uint64_t) pdpt);
print(", ");
print("content of pdpt.entries[pdpt_idx] : ");
pd_t *pd = (pd_t *)((pdpt->entry_t[pdpt_idx] >> 12 & ~0xFFF));
// Resolve PD entry
if (!(pd->entry_t[pd_idx] & 0x1)) {// Check if entry is present
if (make) {
pt_t *new_pt = (pt_t *)kmalloc_a(sizeof(pt_t), 1); // making new pt with 4 kb aligned
memset(new_pt, 0, sizeof(pt_t));
pd->entry_t[pd_idx] = ((uint64_t)new_pt & ~0xFFF) << 12 | 0x3;
} else {
return NULL;
print("pd addr : ");
print_hex((uint64_t) pd);
print(", ");
print("content of pd.entries[pd_idx] : ");
// Resolve Page Table
pt_t *pt = (pt_t *)((pd->entry_t[pd_idx] >> 12 & ~0xFFF)); // Creating Page Table from pd->entry_t[pd_idx]
print("pt addr : ");
print(", ");
print("content of pt->pages[pt_idx] : ");
// Resolve Page
page_t *page =(page_t *) &pt->pages[pt_idx];
if(!(page->present)){ // Check if entry is present
if (make) {
page = (page_t *) kmalloc_a(sizeof(page_t), 1); // making new page with 4 kb aligned
memset(page, 0, sizeof(page_t));
alloc_frame(page, 1, 1); // Allocate frame for the page
return NULL;
print("page frame address : ");
print_hex((uint64_t) page->frame);
return page;
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#include "pmm.h"
// one row of bitmap can store information(free/use) of 8 * 4 KB = 32 Kb memory page(8 pages)
// A bitset of frames - used or free.
uint64_t *frames;
uint64_t nframes;
// Static function to set a bit in the frames bitset
void set_frame(uint64_t frame_addr)
uint64_t frame = frame_addr/0x1000;
uint64_t idx = INDEX_FROM_BIT(frame);
uint64_t off = OFFSET_FROM_BIT(frame);
frames[idx] |= (0x1 << off);
// Static function to clear a bit in the frames bitset
void clear_frame(uint64_t frame_addr)
uint64_t frame = frame_addr/0x1000;
uint64_t idx = INDEX_FROM_BIT(frame);
uint64_t off = OFFSET_FROM_BIT(frame);
frames[idx] &= ~(0x1 << off);
// Static function to test if a bit is set.
uint64_t test_frame(uint64_t frame_addr)
uint64_t frame = frame_addr/0x1000;
uint64_t idx = INDEX_FROM_BIT(frame);
uint64_t off = OFFSET_FROM_BIT(frame);
return (frames[idx] & (0x1 << off));
// Static function to find the first free frame.
uint64_t first_frame()
uint64_t i, j;
for (i = 0; i < INDEX_FROM_BIT(nframes); i++)
if (frames[i] != 0xFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFF) // nothing free, exit early.
// at least one bit is free here.
for (j = 0; j < 64; j++)
uint64_t toTest = 0x1 << j;
if ( !(frames[i]&toTest) )
return i*8*8+j;
[img][https://github.com/baponkar/KeblaOS/blo ... isplay.png]
I also have written a stackoverflow [question][https://stackoverflow.com/questions/792 ... 3-register]. How can I solve this issue?
Reference :
[jamesmolloy.co.uk][https://web.archive.org/web/20160326061 ... aging.html]