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Black screen on boot in QEMU

Posted: Wed Jan 03, 2024 10:15 am
by macq
I'm brand new to OS development, so I'm sorry for such a basic question.

I'm developing on Linux, Debian 12.4 to be exact. I've followed the Bare Bones guide as closely as I could, built a working cross-compiler, assembled, compiled and linked the code included in the tutorial, and verified that it has a valid multiboot header. There were no errors printed for any of these steps. I followed the directions to create a bootable ISO and tried to run that with QEMU. Booting both the ISO and the kernel binary result in a black screen with a blinking cursor on the left side about a third of the way down the screen.

Any advice is appreciated, thank you.

Re: Black screen on boot in QEMU

Posted: Tue Jan 16, 2024 2:31 am
by Octocontrabass
If you run QEMU by itself without booting your OS, do you see anything?

If you boot your OS and add "-no-reboot" to your QEMU command line, do you see anything?

If you replace the "hlt" in the bootstrap assembly with "nop", do you see anything?