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protected mode

Posted: Tue Mar 07, 2006 12:00 am
by aoss86dev
How do I use assembly to switch to protected mode and load in my gdt and ldt and that kind of stuff?

Once I do this I can make that the entry point for my kernel and start coding in C!

Re: protected mode

Posted: Tue Mar 07, 2006 12:00 am
by JAAman
this is a very big question, i suggest starting by getting the

**Holy Intel Manuals**

availible for download or free hard-copy at:

## ---- ----- ------ Intel Manuals
(alternativly, you could get the AMD version -- its basically the same set of books, but it is organized differently, and some of the wording is a little different -- some people prefer it, others prefer the Intel ones)

as these books will give you much information about the GDT, IDT, Paging tables, PMode/LMode initialization, and other important details

then read them 2 times, then ask more specific questions as you need them

are you using a boot-loader, or coding your own? this will make a big difference about where to start, and how to do it!

ps: last i checked, both Intel and AMD were in the process of updating the books, therefore, hard-copies were unavailible -- but you can still download the online ones -- hard-copies will be availible once the new revision is ready

Re: protected mode

Posted: Tue Mar 07, 2006 12:00 am
by Da_Maestro
You know that there is lots of other threads about this on this forum?

This forum needs a search facility...