Help! I can't write at 0xFE000000
Posted: Sun Jan 09, 2022 1:32 am
Hi I am trying to write a VBE framebuffer. But no matter what I do. it just doesn't work
here is the code of Paging.cs
Code: Select all
Paging.Map(0xFE000000, 0xFE000000);
byte* p = (byte*)0xFE000000;
*p = 0xaa;
here is the code of Paging.cs
Code: Select all
using static System.Runtime.Intrinsic;
namespace System.Platform.Amd64
public static unsafe class Paging
public static ulong* pml4 = (ulong*)0x3FE000;
static Paging()
x64.Stosb(pml4, 0x00, 4096);
//Map the first 1GiB
for (ulong i = 0; i < 1024UL * 1024UL * 1024UL * 1UL; i += 0x200000)
Map(i, i);
void* p = pml4;
asm("xor rax,rax");
asm("mov eax,{p}");
asm("mov cr3,rax");
/// <summary>
/// Map 2MiB Physical Address At Virtual Address Specificed
/// </summary>
/// <param name="Virt"></param>
/// <param name="Phys"></param>
public static void Map(ulong Virt,ulong Phys)
ulong pml4_entry = (Virt & ((ulong)0x1ff << 39)) >> 39;
ulong pml3_entry = (Virt & ((ulong)0x1ff << 30)) >> 30;
ulong pml2_entry = (Virt & ((ulong)0x1ff << 21)) >> 21;
ulong pml1_entry = (Virt & ((ulong)0x1ff << 12)) >> 12;
ulong* pml3 = Next(pml4, pml4_entry);
ulong* pml2 = Next(pml3, pml3_entry);
pml2[pml2_entry] = Phys | 0b10000011;
public static ulong* Next(ulong* Curr,ulong Entry)
ulong* p = null;
if(((Curr[Entry]) & 0x01) != 0)
p = (ulong*)(Curr[Entry] & 0x000F_FFFF_FFFF_F000);
p = AllocateTable();
Curr[Entry] = (((ulong)p) & 0x000F_FFFF_FFFF_F000) | 0b11;
return p;
private static ulong p = 0;
public static ulong* AllocateTable()
ulong* r = (ulong*)(0x400000 + (p * 4096));
x64.Stosb(r, 0x00, 4096);
return r;