Help! I am stuck with my IDT + weird INVALID_OPCODEexception
Posted: Wed Dec 22, 2021 1:54 pm
I tried so many different IDT designs but this seems to cause some weird errors. I took some of this code from another post on this forum (Yes, yes, I know copying code is bad but I spent so long trying to write this thing). I modified the code a bit because it was triple-faulting due to page faults and/or general protection faults, and Now the exceptions I am getting are super weird; I don't get how an invalid_opcode can even happen here. If I missed out some info or otherwise violated forum etiquette, just tell me and I will correct it.
Code: Select all
global lngmd_start
extern kernel_main
section .text
bits 64
mov ax,
mov ss, ax
mov ds, ax
mov es, ax
mov fs, ax
mov gs, ax
call map_entries
lidt [idt.pointer]
;call kernel_main
;int 0x00
jmp krnl_hlt
mov rbx, idt
mov rdx, 0
mov r8, exception_handler
mov rcx, 32
jmp .loop
mov rdx, 1
mov r8, isr_handler.pic1
mov rcx, 8
jmp .loop
mov rdx, 2
mov r8, isr_handler.pic2
mov rcx, 8
mov rax, r8
mov word [rbx], ax
shr rax, 16
mov word [rbx + 6], ax
shr rax, 16
mov dword [rbx + 8], eax
add rbx, 16
dec rcx
;jmp krnl_hlt ;This statement would behave as intended and halt the kernel, printing "a2"
jne .loop
jmp krnl_hlt ; This statement causes INVALID_OPCODE, instead of printing "a2" then halting. Removing this statement causes the kernel to simply hang without any output
test rdx, rdx
je .map_irqs_pic1
dec rdx
test rdx, rdx
je .map_irqs_pic2
dw 0
dw 0x8
db 0
db 10001110b
dw 0
dd 0
dd 0
; --------------------------------
; exceptions 1 - 30
; --------------------------------
dw 0
dw 0x8
db 0
db 10001110b
dw 0
dd 0
dd 0
dw 0
dw 0x8
db 0
db 10001110b
dw 0
dd 0
dd 0
; --------------------------------
; irqs 1 - 14
; --------------------------------
dw 0
dw 0x8
db 0
db 10001110b
dw 0
dd 0
dd 0
dw $ - idt - 1
dq idt
jmp krnl_hlt
mov ax, 0x20
out 0x20, ax
mov ax, 0x20
out 0xa0, ax
mov dword [0xb8000], 0x0c320c61
jmp abbc