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idea!: Text based GUI
Posted: Fri Feb 17, 2006 12:00 am
by earlz
I have thought of a new idea, a text based user interface complete with windows and such.
I have a kindof working but not working example but it draws the window then gets an opcode error
it, to me, is a good idea. You can check it out on my website, download the latest release and type "test;t9" no quotes.
but then you can also do things like replace the character set so that you have little icons to use for things like scroll bars
I might not have the latest up yet.
a pic of it is at:
new pic uploaded, managed to get my full screen console working fully in a window. so w00t!
Re: idea!: Text based GUI
Posted: Mon Feb 20, 2006 12:00 am
by JAAman
hckr83 wrote:I have thought of a new idea, a text based user interface complete with windows and such.
this isn't really a "new" idea, in fact its a very old one!
this was very common a couple decades ago (for some examples, just check out: QBasic, Edit, etc --- these 2 are free if you have any version of any MS OS >= DOSv5)
Re: idea!: Text based GUI
Posted: Mon Feb 20, 2006 12:00 am
by HxAxCxKxExR
QBasic is in the past, move on to FreeBasic
Re: idea!: Text based GUI
Posted: Mon Feb 20, 2006 12:00 am
by carbonBased
erruhm... I don't think you'll find anyone here actually promoting either (or any) form of BASIC
Re: idea!: Text based GUI
Posted: Tue Feb 21, 2006 12:00 am
by JAAman
i wasn't suggesting using QBasic, i was using it as an example of exactly what hckr83 was calling a 'new idea'
Re: idea!: Text based GUI
Posted: Wed Feb 22, 2006 12:00 am
by HxAxCxKxExR
Jeff wrote:erruhm... I don't think you'll find anyone here actually promoting either (or any) form of BASIC
*raises hand*
I love and use FreeBasic, whats so bad about it?
Re: idea!: Text based GUI
Posted: Wed Feb 22, 2006 12:00 am
by carbonBased
HxAxCxKxExR wrote:
*raises hand*
I love and use FreeBasic, whats so bad about it?
It's basic...
To me, basic is one of the most unstructured languages there is. Not to mention the core language is just that - basic. All these specialty basic's may add value, but its proprietary and non-portable value.
I prefer C, C++, Java and Eiffel.
Re: idea!: Text based GUI
Posted: Wed Feb 22, 2006 12:00 am
by Da_Maestro
Give me C and Pascal. Though I do like object orientation for non-OS projects so gimme C++ and O-Pascal too hehe.
Re: idea!: Text based GUI
Posted: Thu Aug 30, 2007 3:18 am
by AndrewAPrice
carbonBased wrote:HxAxCxKxExR wrote:
*raises hand*
I love and use FreeBasic, whats so bad about it?
It's basic...
To me, basic is one of the most unstructured languages there is. Not to mention the core language is just that - basic. All these specialty basic's may add value, but its proprietary and non-portable value.
I prefer C, C++, Java and Eiffel.
So do I. But, BASIC really has no standard. Variations can range from those integrated calculator interpreters that are limited to 26 variables (A through to Z) and don't support functions or any sort of program flow other than IF, WHILE, and FOR (buy a cheap graphics calculator or try out TinyBASIC) all the way up to complex languages which support pointers, structures, classes, in-line assembly, and compiles to native code (FreeBASIC).
Posted: Thu Aug 30, 2007 3:46 am
by RedEagle
My OS will use Textbased "G"UIs.
The lower two windows were some tests on my old Kernel. I had no Multitasking and no memorymanagement, so it could not work like "normal" window-manager.
But the new kernel, supports multitasking and memorymanagment. So, my OS will have a Textbaste GUI.
I worte a library for Textbasted windows for the windows-console, but the librarys got destroyd by a harddisk-crash.
(since that, I make every month a backup of my project-directory
The elements with '['']' are buttons, the things with 1s and 0s are checkboxs, and the underlined thing is a editbox
Well, it is possible, and very nice
Posted: Thu Aug 30, 2007 6:23 am
by AndrewAPrice
That's pretty neat!
You should have a look at Ncurses and
Posted: Thu Aug 30, 2007 12:31 pm
by inflater
Old screenie from Pascal version of PortixOS, the so-called "Inflater's Textographics Unit".
- Unfortunately there is no support for overlapped windows, buttons, edit-fields, etc. - for now, and you can't drag the window by the mouse. No, I didn't hack up TVision, this is my *own* engine !
Of course the window can be of any color including the title bar, you can change the text color too, the menu is also customizable, etc. The drawing of these windows are fast, I did used direct video RAM access in Pascal when I discovered that is possible
I did like the textographics. Reminds MS-DOS