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v86 monitor

Posted: Thu Feb 09, 2006 12:00 am
by intel_breaker
Hi guys,
I have a very weird problem. I'll try describe it:
I've written support of v86 mode in my kernel. And I have available v86_exec(char *filename) function. Anyway this function works fine, new v86 process is creating and it works on real PC/qemu/vmware. But the main goal of v86 monitor was made a support for vesa, which is support by real-mode interrupts(I mean vesa < 3.0). So I write simple
program which set 800x600x32 bits mode. So for that I've set eax on 0x4f02h and ebx on 0x115h right? then I call interrupts 0x10. And..... it works pretty good on qemu, on real PC it call "HSync out of range" on my monitor, and on vmware it didn't work:/ When I've written "it didn't work" I mean that it execute all commands(no faults) but vmware didn't switch into this mode(I know that vmware supports this mode, because visopsys works in this same mode)
Then where is a BUG?=)

Please for help.

Re: v86 monitor

Posted: Fri Feb 10, 2006 12:00 am
by digo_rp
one question please, what kinda of taskswitching are you using?

software or hardware base taskswitching?

I got v86 working on hardware taskswitching. I move my kernel to sotware based and I would like to implement v86 on that too.

about "HSync out of range" you may need to change to other mode maybe 800x600x16
or 1024x768x16

try that mode cuz some of those modes aren?t available at my PC too :)

Re: v86 monitor

Posted: Fri Feb 10, 2006 12:00 am
by intel_breaker
Yeah, I use software task switching.
And "Hsync out of range" don't show on the monitor if i use this mode under real-mode:/

Re: v86 monitor

Posted: Fri Feb 10, 2006 12:00 am
by digo_rp
could you tell me how do you switch to v86 mode under software taskswitching? I don?t know how to do it... please and your stack layout too, do me that favor... I can bring to you my VM86 monitor if you would...

Re: v86 monitor

Posted: Fri Feb 10, 2006 12:00 am
by intel_breaker
Here you have a v86 stack frame:

struct intr_frame {
uint32 ds;
uint32 es;

uint32 fs;
uint32 gs;

uint32 edi;
uint32 esi;
uint32 ebp;
uint32 old_esp;
uint32 ebx;
uint32 edx;
uint32 ecx;
uint32 eax;

uint32 intr_index;
uint32 intr_ecode;

uint32 eip;
uint32 cs;
uint32 flags;
uint32 esp;
uint32 ss;

/* v86 mode only */
uint32 v_es;
uint32 v_ds;
uint32 v_fs;
uint32 v_gs;

If u've implemented v86 in tss method u should know what put in registers;)
"v" suffixes registers are for v86 segments, normal ds,es,fs,gs are for user data segment.
cs is a code segment in v86 mode, eip is a offset in this segment, ss - stack segment in v86 mode, esp offset in this segment..
This is all.


Re: v86 monitor

Posted: Sat Feb 11, 2006 12:00 am
by digo_rp
man what is wrong with that function ?
short add_v86task(char *str, word cs, word entry) {


memset(process[num_of_tasks].stack, 0, stack_size);

memset(process[num_of_tasks].name, 0, 20);

insertstr(process[num_of_tasks].name, str);

process[num_of_tasks].v86 = 1;

process[num_of_tasks].eflags = 0x20202L;

process[num_of_tasks].id = num_of_tasks;

process[num_of_tasks].priv = 7;

process[num_of_tasks].status = 2;

process[num_of_tasks].task_sel = 0x28;

process[num_of_tasks].kstack = (dword)&pl0_stack[num_of_tasks][stack_size];

stacksetup = cs+0xffff;

*stacksetup-- = cs; /* V86 GS */

*stacksetup-- = cs; /* V86 FS */

*stacksetup-- = cs; /* V86 DS */

*stacksetup-- = cs; /* V86 ES */
*stacksetup-- = cs; /* V86 SS */

*stacksetup-- = cs+0xffff; /* V86 ESP */

*stacksetup-- = 0x20202L | 0x4000;

*stacksetup-- = cs;

*stacksetup-- = entry;

*stacksetup-- = 0; /* EAX */

*stacksetup-- = 0; /* ECX */

*stacksetup-- = 0; /* EDX */

*stacksetup-- = 0; /* EBX */

*stacksetup-- = 0; /* EBP */

*stacksetup-- = 0; /* ESI */

*stacksetup-- = 0; /* EDI */

*stacksetup-- = cs; /* GS */

*stacksetup-- = cs; /* FS */

*stacksetup-- = cs; /* DS */

*stacksetup-- = cs; /* ES */
process[num_of_tasks].ustack = (dword)stacksetup;

multitasking = 1;

tr_atual = 0x28;



this is my


push gs

push fs

push ds

push es

mov al, 0x20
out 0x20, al

mov [_OldTaskESP], esp

call _timer_handler

mov esp, [_NewTaskESP]

; mov eax, [_Task_CR3]

; mov cr3, eax

mov eax, cr0

or eax, 0x8 ; Set TS flag to use x87.fxsave with

mov cr0, eax ; device not available

pop es

pop ds

pop fs

pop gs


could you help me ?

I can't get v86 working

Re: v86 monitor

Posted: Sat Feb 11, 2006 12:00 am
by intel_breaker
Ok, could you tell me what are effects of using this function and say with what parametrs do you call it?

Re: v86 monitor

Posted: Sat Feb 11, 2006 12:00 am
by digo_rp
add_v86task(char *str, word cs, word entry)
an example:

first I load a program from floppy into memory

v86load("", 0x10000);

0x10000 is the memory below the first MB
then I call
add_v86task("teste", 0x1000, 0);
0x1000 is code segment and 0 is the eip value

Re: v86 monitor

Posted: Sat Feb 11, 2006 12:00 am
by digo_rp
with this function I got unhandled opcode 0

Re: v86 monitor

Posted: Sat Feb 11, 2006 12:00 am
by digo_rp
how is your irq00 handler, that you use to switch tasks

please help me,

Re: v86 monitor

Posted: Sat Feb 11, 2006 12:00 am
by blackcatcoder
what happens ??

do you get an exception ??

do you have set up an gdt selector for the tss entry ?

Re: v86 monitor

Posted: Sat Feb 11, 2006 12:00 am
by intel_breaker
I use this code to swtich to next context, where "dp" is a process to which i want to switch, and dp->arch_frame is a stack pointer where we actually have intr_frame.

asm("movl %0, %%eax\n"
"movl %%eax, %%cr3\n"
"movl %1, %%esp\n"
"popl %%ds\n"
"popl %%es\n"
"popl %%fs\n"
"popl %%gs\n"
"addl $8, %%esp\n"
"iretl" :: "r" (dp->done_cr3), "m" (dp->arch_frame));

Re: v86 monitor

Posted: Sun Feb 12, 2006 12:00 am
by digo_rp
I have one tss, I setup a gdt entrie, but I don't know how to setup up. I only use 2 fields of it. ss0 and esp to use ring0-to ring3 I only want v86 to use vesa too...

Re: v86 monitor

Posted: Sun Feb 12, 2006 12:00 am
by intel_breaker
In my case the problem is solved. V86 works fine on real PC too(it was a problem with coprocesor:P while i was scheduling v86 task;)
I use one tss too, and i'm using its esp0 and ss0 fileds too.
Maybe you should dump a memory where is your 16 bits code? It can help you

Re: v86 monitor

Posted: Sun Feb 12, 2006 12:00 am
by digo_rp
I'm using a simple program like displaying ASCII at corner of monitor... simple. just some mov's no ints