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what material should i study?

Posted: Sun Feb 05, 2006 12:00 am
by mohammed
i read many books about c/c++ and know i'am reading in Art Of Assembly and assembly language for intel based.
but in c/c++ books i observed that all books assume that i just read it to be ready for windows programming or making progrme under windows so it gives me little informations to be aple to understand VC++ .
in the onther hand assembly language books gives me liberary that contians functions and procedures to make the operation easy like UCR in Art Of Assembly.
i need a complete encyclopedia in c/c++ and assembly language

Re: what material should i study?

Posted: Sun Feb 05, 2006 12:00 am
by Da_Maestro
Andrew Tanenbaum : Modern Operating Systems

Re: what material should i study?

Posted: Mon Feb 06, 2006 12:00 am
by AltCtrlDel
developing an OS requires much more than a programming language:

1- read about the intel x86 architecture
the manuals of intel are the best, unfortunately they are not available online at
if u wish, i can sent them to u as a PDF

2- read about the general theory of the OSs .. the book mentioned by Da_Maestro "Andrew Tanenbaum : Modern Operating Systems " is nice .. there is also "William Stallings : Operating Systems" .. they will not give u the code of an OS .. but u must read some theory to understand what u will do

3- learn to write in C and Assembly "syntax" .. don't waste ur time with libraries!!

4- read tutorials about OS programming .. there are many tutorials, documents, source codes on the internet
also, google is ur friend !!

5- start coding .. ask the others once u meet a problem

Re: what material should i study?

Posted: Tue Feb 07, 2006 12:00 am
by JAAman

1- read about the intel x86 architecture
the manuals of intel are the best, unfortunately they are not available online at
if u wish, i can sent them to u as a PDF
yes they are, here is the link to the Intel manuals:
## ---- ----- ------ Intel Manuals[/url]
on this site normally you can also order hard-copies (free of course) by clicking the link at the bottom of the page, but right now they are between versions so the hard copies are unavailible (prob adding virtulization to revision 19) but the download is there so you can get the latest revision (i just got mine recently but its already outdated -- by 2 revisions!! -- 3 when the new hard-copies are released)

also these might be helpful:
## ---- ----- RBIL[/url]
lots of information about the PC standard (icluding I/O ports, RMode soft-ints, and other information

BonaFide OS Dev[/url]
lots of tutorials -- mostly very good

lots of documents -- information about interfacing with many devices

information about accessing the HDD/optical drives

Mega-Tokyo Message Board - Index[/url]
check out their FAQ -- lots of good information (hint: click the banner at the top to get to the FAQ)

Re: what material should i study?

Posted: Wed Feb 08, 2006 12:00 am
by carbonBased
Protected Mode Systems Architecture - Tom Shanley is a great book if you're targetting the i386+ platform. ... e&n=283155


Re: what material should i study?

Posted: Mon Feb 13, 2006 12:00 am
by mohammed
thanks alot
[email protected] pleese give me the x86 manual (i get IA32 manual from intel free of charge from the site of intel ) i know the syntax of c/c++ and i am learning but i have to wast my time with liberarise (i don't have any books to learn you assembly langauge and c/c++ and assume that you learn to be os programmer!!)
..can i get modern operating system in pdf free !

Re: what material should i study?

Posted: Mon Feb 13, 2006 12:00 am
by Osbios

Re: what material should i study?

Posted: Tue Feb 14, 2006 12:00 am
by JAAman
mohammed wrote:thanks alot
[email protected] pleese give me the x86 manual (i get IA32 manual from intel free of charge from the site of intel ) i know the syntax of c/c++ and i am learning but i have to wast my time with liberarise (i don't have any books to learn you assembly langauge and c/c++ and assume that you learn to be os programmer!!)
..can i get modern operating system in pdf free !
the x86 manual is the IA32 manual -- they are actually the same thing, (you could also download the AMD version of basically the same reference from the AMD website) -- it is better to get it from intel (rather than from an individual person) because they are constantly updating it

Re: what material should i study?

Posted: Thu Feb 16, 2006 12:00 am
by mohammed
i got it from intel (real books)
but these books are only Mnual .don't learn you how to write a code.the books about operating systems that you mentioned didn't offer the code.
what is the books that learn you how to write ?
no one answerd this there a book to learn you how to write stand alone programe with c/c++ and Assembly?
i have a beileve :you can't learn programming to be professional through that true?!

Re: what material should i study?

Posted: Fri Feb 17, 2006 12:00 am
by JAAman
no the manuals wont tell you how to write an OS, thats your job ;)

source code isn't always the answer, if you understand the theory, you can write it any way you want

basically, (in C -- other languages are more complicated) the only thing that is different, is that you cannot use the standard lib (until you rewrite it), everything must be written yourself, however, if you don't have a good understanding of how to use your chosen language within an OS, you will be hopelessly lost trying to use it without an OS

basically i'm saying -- it is not a waste to learn the libraries, in fact it can be very usefull -- i also recommend learning more about programming under windows before you start an OS ("Programming Windows 95" by Charles Petzold is very good) as it will give you a good understanding of event-driven arcitechure (OSdev is almost entirely event driven, and its a good system for user apps too), and a good example of a working window manager (but you wont need that for a long time)

you will need a more advanced understanding of your chosen toolchain, so you can know how to control the link process

Re: what material should i study?

Posted: Mon Feb 20, 2006 12:00 am
by HxAxCxKxExR
I still use this forum post to look up info.

Great site, and even better forum topics ^_^