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follow POSIX?

Posted: Sun Jan 22, 2006 12:00 am
by bobesponja
hi, i have finished a very simple OS and i want to start from scratch a new and more complex OS, my problem is that im thinking in make the OS the most POSIX compliant as i can but i have this question:

making a OS POSIX compliant makes the OS a unix-like?

because i dont want to make a unix-like...

Re: follow POSIX?

Posted: Mon Jan 23, 2006 12:00 am
by carbonBased
I, unfortunately, do not know a whole lot about POSIX, so someone can hopefully confirm/deny what I write here.

That out of the way, most respectable unices are POSIX compliant. It seems, to me, to be a "unix-ish" standard but other OSs also support it (QNX, BeOS... I believe even NT (and decendants?) are somehow posix compatible... even though I thought part of posix was the availabilty of certain command line features, which NT doesn't appear to have))

If you're not looking to create yet-another-unix, I'd suggest getting your hands on the posix spec (it's not free... but you can find references from it all over the 'net) and choose to implement the portions that make sense to you. Those that conflict with your OSs philosophy should be ignored, in my opinion. It's near impossible to write a new/revolutionary OS while still remaining compatible with old standards.


Re: follow POSIX?

Posted: Mon Jan 23, 2006 12:00 am
by Da_Maestro
POSIX compliancy comes in three main flavours.

The first one deals with system calls. Early versions of Windows NT implemented POSIX stantard system calls, even though Windows NT is definately not a *NIX style OS.

The other two deal with drivers and the file structure. If all three are implemented you have a *NIX system. You don't need to implement all three.

Check out the POSIX website