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C++ bug :(

Posted: Tue Nov 23, 2004 12:00 am
by matthias
I'm developing my OS in C++, but know I've a serious problem :(.

I've set all gpp options the good way. Everything works well my main()
function is loaded and I can do function calls. But here lies the problem :(
I created a class with C++. It's a class that acts like a console. You can
write to the screen with it and do much more fun stuff.

My problem is that when my kernel does a function call to a member function of my console class, in this case: console::put(char c), but the parameter given by my main() function is not the same in put(), so when I trie to write a character to the screen nothing happens. Say I create a console object in my main() function, I initialize my console with con.init(), then I do con.put('c') but in the put() function the parameter isn't 'c' anymore :(. I know the code for writing characters to the screen is good because I tried it in C and it worked. Now, my question is:

Why doesn't my parameter (character) go to my put() function in a normal way, so that I can print it on the screen?

Re: C++ bug :(

Posted: Tue Nov 23, 2004 12:00 am
by [AlAdDiN]
have u implemented correctly a malloc()/free()/realloc() functions ?
coze C++ use them to do the new/delete operators ...
so if there is no memory allocator implemented by ur OS ur class cannot be allocated in memory

remember that when developping an OS u must rewrite all needed libraries

Re: C++ bug :(

Posted: Tue Nov 23, 2004 12:00 am
by rexlunae
matthias wrote: the source of my problems is in the source
Your signature says it all. It would be easier to help you with a little source.

Re: C++ bug :(

Posted: Wed Nov 24, 2004 12:00 am
by bregma
matthias wrote:... then I do con.put('c') but in the put() function the parameter isn't 'c' anymore.
Sounds like an integral promotion / sign extension problem. C++ is a bit different than C when it comes to these issues.

I would suggest
  1. post your code (the function and the calling code) and
  2. tell us the value you expect and what you actually get.

Re: C++ bug :(

Posted: Thu Nov 25, 2004 12:00 am
by Legend
[AlAdDiN] wrote:have u implemented correctly a malloc()/free()/realloc() functions ?
coze C++ use them to do the new/delete operators ...
so if there is no memory allocator implemented by ur OS ur class cannot be allocated in memory

remember that when developping an OS u must rewrite all needed libraries
You can place objects on the stack, in that case you don't need new/delete and then no malloc/free ...

Re: C++ bug :(

Posted: Thu Nov 25, 2004 12:00 am
by matthias
bregma wrote:
matthias wrote:... then I do con.put('c') but in the put() function the parameter isn't 'c' anymore.
Sounds like an integral promotion / sign extension problem. C++ is a bit different than C when it comes to these issues.

I would suggest
  1. post your code (the function and the calling code) and
  2. tell us the value you expect and what you actually get.
OK, I'm going to do that, I will put it on tomorrow :)

Re: C++ bug :(

Posted: Fri Nov 26, 2004 12:00 am
by matthias
Ok, here is my code, I hope you can help me.

:::: console.hpp ::::

Code: Select all


#include <types.hpp>
#include <io.hpp>

#define COLUMNS		80
#define LINES		25
#define VIDEO		0xB8000
#define VIDPORT		0x3D4

class console

	void init();

	void put(char c);
	void put(char c, int x, int y);

	void write(char* text);
	void write(char* text, int x, int y);

	void set_pos(int x, int y);
	void set_active(bool active);
	void set_ram_addr(uint32 addr);
	void set_attribute(char attrib);

	int get_xpos();
	int get_ypos();
	bool is_active();
	uint32 get_ram_addr();
	char get_attribute();


	inline void setpos();
	void scroll();

	int cursor_xpos;
	int cursor_ypos;
	int pos;

	char* ram_addr;

	bool activated;
	char attribute;


:::: end console.hpp::::

:::: console.cpp ::::

Code: Select all

#include <console.hpp>

inline void console::setpos()
	// set place of cursor

    	pos = (cursor_xpos + COLUMNS * cursor_ypos) * 2;
    	outb_p(14, VIDPORT);
    	outb_p(0xff & (pos >> 9), VIDPORT + 1);
    	outb_p(15, VIDPORT);
    	outb_p(0xff & (pos >> 1), VIDPORT + 1);

void console::scroll(void)
    	int i;

    	for (i = 0; i < (LINES - 1) * COLUMNS * 2; i++)
		*(ram_addr + i) = *(ram_addr + i + 2 * COLUMNS);

    	for (i = 0; i < COLUMNS * 2; i += 2) 
		*(ram_addr + (LINES - 1) * COLUMNS * 2 + i) = 32;
		*(ram_addr + (LINES - 1) * COLUMNS * 2 + i + 1) = attribute;

void console::init()
	// for now we set ram to 0xb8000

	ram_addr = (char*)0xb8000;

	cursor_xpos = 0;
	cursor_ypos = 0;
	attribute = 7; // default

	for(int i = 0; i < COLUMNS * LINES * 2; i += 2) 
		*(ram_addr + i) = 0;
		*(ram_addr + i + 1) = 7;


void console::put(char c)
	*ram_addr = c;

	switch (c) 
		case '\n':
			cursor_xpos = 0;

			if (++cursor_ypos >= LINES) 

		case '\r':
			cursor_xpos = 0;

			if(c >= 32 && c <= 126)
				*(ram_addr + (cursor_xpos + cursor_ypos * COLUMNS) * 2) = c;
				*(ram_addr + (cursor_xpos + cursor_ypos * COLUMNS) * 2 + 1) = attribute;
				if (++cursor_xpos >= COLUMNS) 
					cursor_xpos = 0;
					if (++cursor_ypos >= LINES) 

void console::put(char c, int x, int y)
	if(c >= 32 && c <= 126)
		*(ram_addr + (x + y * COLUMNS) * 2) = c;
		*(ram_addr + (x + y * COLUMNS) * 2 + 1) = attribute;

void console::write(char* text)
	while(*text != '\0')

void console::write(char* text, int x, int y)
	int old_x = cursor_xpos;
	int old_y = cursor_ypos;

	cursor_xpos = x;
	cursor_ypos = y;


	cursor_xpos = old_x;
	cursor_ypos = old_y;


void console:: set_pos(int x, int y)
	cursor_xpos = x;
	cursor_ypos = y;

void console:: set_active(bool active)
	activated = active;

void console:: set_ram_addr(uint32 addr)
	ram_addr = (char*)addr;

void console::set_attribute(char attrib)
	attribute = attrib;

int console::get_xpos()
	return cursor_xpos;

int console::get_ypos()
	return cursor_ypos;

bool console::is_active()
	return activated;

uint32 console::get_ram_addr()
	return (uint32)ram_addr;

char console::get_attribute()
	return attribute;

:::: end console.cpp ::::

:::: main.cpp ::::

Code: Select all

#include <console.hpp>

int main()
	console c;
	c.put('c'); // print c on the screen

	for(;;); // hang :)
:::: end main.cpp ::::

I expect that 'c' will be printed to the screen, but this isn't the case. So I hope you can help me. :)[/code]

Re: C++ bug :(

Posted: Sat Nov 27, 2004 12:00 am
by matthias

Re: C++ bug :(

Posted: Sat Nov 27, 2004 12:00 am
by rexlunae
I'll look at his more later, (I'm not at my own computer), but you should check to make sure your video card is not in monochrome mode. I had a problem with that at one point.

Re: C++ bug :(

Posted: Mon Nov 29, 2004 12:00 am
by matthias
I'm sure it is not in monochrome mode. I tested this code with some tweaking in C and it worked.

Re: C++ bug :(

Posted: Tue Nov 30, 2004 12:00 am
by Anton
matthias wrote:anyone?
Could you please answer the following questions :

1)Under what environoment are you running the code?(protected mode, real mode)
2)You say that you tested the code-under what conditions(protected mode, real mode, ... language i guess is C)
3)What optimizations do you have turned on?(Try to turn them all off:) )

Re: C++ bug :(

Posted: Tue Nov 30, 2004 12:00 am
by [AlAdDiN]
void console::write(char* text, int x, int y)
int old_x = cursor_xpos;
int old_y = cursor_ypos;

cursor_xpos = x;
cursor_ypos = y;


cursor_xpos = old_x;
cursor_ypos = old_y;

hmmm .... i can't understand something in ur code .... where is setpos() function body ???

if it is in another package can u give us the source code ?

Re: C++ bug :(

Posted: Tue Nov 30, 2004 12:00 am
by matthias
hmmm .... i can't understand something in ur code .... where is setpos() function body ???

if it is in another package can u give us the source code ?
I've put all the code there, so I don't know what you mean.[/quote]

Re: C++ bug :(

Posted: Wed Dec 01, 2004 12:00 am
by matthias

Code: Select all

inline void console::setpos()
	// set place of cursor

    	pos = (cursor_xpos + COLUMNS * cursor_ypos) * 2;
    	outb_p(14, VIDPORT);
    	outb_p(0xff & (pos >> 9), VIDPORT + 1);
    	outb_p(15, VIDPORT);
    	outb_p(0xff & (pos >> 1), VIDPORT + 1);
It's there but I've put it here as well. :)[/code]

Re: C++ bug :(

Posted: Thu Dec 02, 2004 12:00 am
by Anton

I think i gave you the solution(or at least some hints), but i don't see any reply from you. :(