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.: Begginers Guide to OS Development :.

Posted: Wed Nov 23, 2005 12:00 am
by AlexRM

I am completly new to OS Development, but I am very very keen to learn about Low level assembly code, C++ and C#. I pick up code quite quickly, so learning a new language shouldn't be that hard for me. I hope to, one day, create my own OS similar to Mac OSX but one that runs on the x86 cpu for normal PC's.

I've been looking on tinternet for information on how to develop operating systems (from scatch, not using a pre-made kernel such as Linux), but I can't find many begginer guides out there to help people like myself get started on Operating System Development.

The purpose of this topic is to become a big list of websites/books that will be helpful to everyone, not just begginers (Although that is who it will be aimed at).

One thing I havn't seen much is how to actually "talk" to hardware, would this be done through Assembly? So yeh anyway, post any links/books you have that would help begginers learn the insides of OS Development.


Re: .: Begginers Guide to OS Development :.

Posted: Wed Nov 23, 2005 12:00 am
by Daedalus
It isn't too hard to find some. I've found quite a few decent guides.

Just Google it!

Example, Google for Write your own os

Now, some of those links come with pre-made kernels, but it's one of the easiest ways to get started. Btw, this is no linux kernel, these examples and tutorials rarely have a full working system.

Good luck!

Re: .: Begginers Guide to OS Development :.

Posted: Wed Nov 23, 2005 12:00 am
by AlexRM

I know there are some good ones out there, but I was just hoping for you guys to link us begginers up with some good resources so that we could read them and learn, instead of nagging you lot all the time hehe

Please, I am pretty sure if this list got big enough if would help a lot of people who are wanted to develop there own OS, but don't know where to start.

Just a quick question, I keep thinking that using the Linux kernerl is sort of cheating. I know it's still a lot of dam hard work, but I prefer to use all my own code so that I know exactly what does what, get rid of what I don't need etc. Would it be to hard (when i've learnt the basics and beyond) to create an entire Kernel from scratch?

Re: .: Begginers Guide to OS Development :.

Posted: Wed Nov 23, 2005 12:00 am
by Daedalus
I didn't say to use the linux kernel.

If you actually follow the google link I posted, you WILL find tutorials and the like on writing an operating system.

Why put them into a list here if google does it for you ?

Re: .: Begginers Guide to OS Development :.

Posted: Wed Nov 23, 2005 12:00 am
by AlexRM
Why? so that it is easy for people to find information! I don't really want to sit around for hours trying to find good information, and I don't think many people do.

You don't think it's a good idea to put a big list of information for people to look at? and help them? What harm can it cause?

Re: .: Begginers Guide to OS Development :.

Posted: Wed Nov 23, 2005 12:00 am
by Daedalus
Have you even LOOKED at the google search?

It returns a LOT of helpful tutorials. How about you try them out? I learnt from them, and I was hoping you could too.

But if you wish to ignore the help you've been given, be my guest ...

Re: .: Begginers Guide to OS Development :.

Posted: Wed Nov 23, 2005 12:00 am
by carbonBased
He's not kidding. How'd you find this site? I'll bet it was one of many osdev sites listed from a google search :)

Amateur osdev is a fairly hot topic now-a-days... lots of people seem to be giving it a try, so you should be able to find some good information. That's how we all found this stuff. You're question also fairly vague so it's hard to think what might best serve as an answer.

If, however, you have specific questions that you can't find answers to on google then, by all means, ask away. Or, check through this forum's history... yours is the most commonly asked question on here, so you wont have to search far.

That being said, my best reference is always a good book. 'Protected Mode System's Architecture' by Tom Shanly/Mindshare Inc. is the best reference for Intel architecture I've found. Also, 'The Indispensable PC Hardware Book' is just that.


Re: .: Begginers Guide to OS Development :.

Posted: Thu Nov 24, 2005 12:00 am
by AlexRM
...I know google is the best place, but your not understanding me. This list would help a lot of people, and would save them a lot of time instead of searching around for a good guide.

Whats the point in telling everyone to Google something? When making a simple list would not harm anyone, it would help people instead.

Re: .: Begginers Guide to OS Development :.

Posted: Thu Nov 24, 2005 12:00 am
by Daedalus
Because there are so many, and the google search I linked does a great job of displaying them.

Writing an OS is no small undertaking, so if you arent prepared to read through and find out what you need you're going to have a hard time doing anything.

Re: .: Begginers Guide to OS Development :.

Posted: Mon Nov 28, 2005 12:00 am
by bubach
visit for tutorials and for a FAQ on how to write your own OS.