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Me and Pascal again...

Posted: Tue Sep 20, 2005 11:00 pm
by fbelzile
I'm not sure if it was on these forums that I asked a question about programming an OS in Pascal. I searched here, but didn't find anything.

Its been a long time since I posted in this forum, I have lost the intrest/gave-up in OS programming. Now, it has come back, and I think I'm more prepared than ever. I am now learning assembly, C/C++ (going over it again), and Pascal.

Anyways, I know that I can use Pascal to make a basic kernal, because I have done it before. By basic, I mean Basic, like printing stuff to the screen..

Here is what I use so far, but when the bootstrap loader loads this "program" It simply dosen't do anything.
I remember, when I got help last time, my helper told me that I had DOS interprets, he simply modified a line and it worked...

Here is my code:

Code: Select all


writeln ('Hello, world.');


Thanks for reading this large post and answering if you do know whats wrong :)

Re: Me and Pascal again...

Posted: Tue Sep 20, 2005 11:00 pm
by Crazed123
You're probably going to want to build a "blank" RTL so that your kernel can run without talking to DOS or another operating system. And if it isn't doing that currently, then I have no idea how you ever got that program to work. I/O shouldn't work when you're running on bare hardware!

Re: Me and Pascal again...

Posted: Wed Sep 21, 2005 11:00 pm
by Legend
Yes, next step would be - implement writeln and readln! ;)

Re: Me and Pascal again...

Posted: Wed Sep 21, 2005 11:00 pm
by fbelzile
Arrrhh, I wish I could find that old topic.

I remember, I used writeln and readln and it worked.

I think I'm not using the same compiler though and I might have passed argument(s) to do this sort of thing (create stand-alone binary file)

I'll be back later to tell you if I found it.

Re: Me and Pascal again...

Posted: Wed Sep 21, 2005 11:00 pm
by Crazed123
As far as I know you can't create a standalone binary file without first writing a special RTL made for standalone work. This means if writeln() and readln() were actually working somebody hacked an RTL that interacted with bare hardware (probably text-mode VRAM and a simple keyboard driver) correctly. Pretty neat, but actually kind of hampering if you want to build a serious kernel.

Re: Me and Pascal again...

Posted: Fri Sep 23, 2005 11:00 pm
by bubach
You can use writeln etc with the crt unit instead of the dos one. so write something like "use crt" at the top..
This all assumes that you are just testing with a very simple bootloader and is still in realmode.
The crt unit uses BIOS instead of DOS which is default.

Re: Me and Pascal again...

Posted: Fri Sep 23, 2005 11:00 pm
by fbelzile
Ah ha! Thank-you so much bubach. That was it! :)

However, when I tried it, it still didn't work :(
I'll try some different compiler's as I'm not too sure the one I used before.

But, I know it was that line. Thanks again, I am one step closer!

I'll fill you in on how it goes ;)

Hey, bubach, I found the last page of the post that I was looking for.
It still never gave me the thing I was looking for. It was on the old Bona Fide OSDev forums (Found it on Google's cache, I think they are re-doing their forums). ASHLEY4 was the user that helped me. I did a bit more research, and I found that you sort of know each other at the V2_OS forums :P Funny what little research can do :)

Re: Me and Pascal again...

Posted: Sun Sep 25, 2005 11:00 pm
by bubach
What do you compile it as? A realmode exe-file? And how do you start it, which bootloader do you use?

If you for example use old borland Pascal you can make a normal .EXE file and start it with bootprog ( a bootsector that loads realmode exe's ) from:

If you later wants to start with 32-bit stuff in Pascal you can visit and ask in that forum, it has atleast two Pascal os-devers.

Yup, me and ashley4 ( now called dex4u ) was active there for a while, before we started our own OS's.
He can be reached on his own forum at

Re: Me and Pascal again...

Posted: Sun Sep 25, 2005 11:00 pm
by fbelzile
What do you compile it as?
This is the exact command... (Nothing special. I use Free Pascal)

fpc test.pas

I'm compiling the same code as in my first post but with the:

uses crt;

My guess is that I'm doing something wrong here. I think what I'm doing is a 32-bit program right? How would I go about doing a real mode or 16-bit exe with Free Pascal? I've read all the available commands and I still dont have a clue :(

If you for example use old borland Pascal you can make a normal .EXE file and start it with bootprog ( a bootsector that loads realmode exe's ) from:
Guess what, I am using that exact bootstrap loader. Or I use this one:
If you later wants to start with 32-bit stuff in Pascal you can visit and ask in that forum, it has atleast two Pascal os-devers.
Thanks for the information :)
Yup, me and ashley4 ( now called dex4u ) was active there for a while, before we started our own OS's.
He can be reached on his own forum at
Haha, I remember! He did make an OS called DexOS. He made me try it out. He made it in Pascal too :P

Thanks for all your help so far... I hope you know what the problem is.

Re: Me and Pascal again...

Posted: Mon Sep 26, 2005 11:00 pm
by bubach
FreePascal doesn't support 16-bit as far as I call tell from it's homepage.

You can do two things to get it working:

1. Download an old Borland version for free at the borland museum ( ) and try that instead.

Good 16-bit reading:

2. Continue to use FreePascal, which you have to if you want a "real" 32-bit OS, and make your own functions to print to screen etc.

Maybe something like this:

Code: Select all

  vidmem: PChar = PChar($b8000);
  xpos: Integer = 0;
  ypos: Integer = 0;

procedure kclearscreen(); [public, alias: 'kclearscreen'];
  i: Integer;
  for i := 0 to 3999 do
      vidmem[i] := #0;

procedure kwritestr(s: PChar); [public, alias: 'kwritestr'];
  offset, i: Integer;
  if (ypos > 24) then
      ypos := 0;

  if (xpos > 79) then
      xpos := 0;

  offset := (xpos shl 1) + (ypos * 160);
  i := 0;

  while (s[i] <> Char($0)) do
      vidmem[offset] := s[i];
      offset += 1;
      vidmem[offset] := #7;
      offset += 1;
      i += 1;

  xpos := (offset mod 160);
  ypos := (offset - xpos) div 160;
  xpos := xpos shr 1;
That later can be called with:

Code: Select all

More reading: ... 44;start=0 ... 14;start=0

Hope that helps, I'm no Pascal expert...

/ Christoffer

Re: Me and Pascal again...

Posted: Mon Sep 26, 2005 11:00 pm
by fbelzile
You nailed it!

That was it! It was all Free Pascal's fault. :P

I know you can program Operating System's with Free Pascal, but I guess you have to be more low-level.

Well, thank-you for all of your help. It is greatly appreciated :)
I'll take it from here :P

Best of lucks with your projects.