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Verify that the line "supported targets" contains the string
"efi-app-ia32" and "efi-app-x86_64" and that the "-j" option
accepts wildcards.
It names as an functioning example Objcopy 2.24.
But my version (Objcopy 2.35 on Manjaro Linux) doesn't support EFI targets nor -j wildcards.
Do I have to download and build Objcopy (or Binutils) from source now?
objcopy treats efi-app-ia32 as pei-i386, and efi-app-x86_64 as pei-x86-64. If the pei-* strings are listed as supported targets, that should work. Check convert_efi_target inside binutils.
Clang is great, but I don't recommend using c-efi headers. They are buggy and incomplete. Shouldn't be be difficult to use gnu-efi headers anyway, though; just copy them in and add to your include path. (Gnu efi headers also match the spec more closely, which makes it easier to adapt examples.)