I have a question about interrupts ...
In my OS I use the Interrupt (int 30h) to call all functions ... If I call a function without a function return it works fine ... but if i have an function with an function return, I don't konow how to give the return value to the application (back to the application that call the interrupt) back ?? ...
Here is an example how I call a simple function (without a function return) from an application of my OS:
Code: Select all
void Test( unsigned int A )
asm("movl %0, %%ebx":: "r"(A));
asm("movl $0x01, %eax");
asm("int $0x30");
But If i need a return Value in the Appliction I don't know how does it work ...
Code: Select all
int Test( unsigned int A )
int B;
I hope that somebody can help me ...