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Problem dropping down to real mode

Posted: Mon Jun 22, 2020 6:16 am
by nexos
I am working on a bootloader, and am doing the high level C part. I am making that will drop down to real mode. After debugging, I see that it jumps to a bogus memory location, and locks up the computer. It gets to 16 bit PMode fine, but when I far jump to real modeis when it occurs. Here is the code:

Code: Select all

pstack dd 0                         ; PMode state variables
    dw 0
    dd 0

; Writes a char to screen

global _IoWriteChar                  ; Used in C

    pushad                      ; Push regs on stack
    mov dword [pstack], esp     ; Save state
    sgdt [pmodeGdt]
    jmp 0x18:pmode16            ; Go to 16 bit pmode
bits 16
    mov eax, cr0                ; get cr0
    and al, 0xFE                ; Turn off PE bit
    mov cr0, eax                ; Enter into real mode
    jmp 0xA00:rmode - 0xA000

Re: Problem dropping down to real mode

Posted: Mon Jun 22, 2020 8:32 am
by bzt
nexos wrote:Hello,
I am working on a bootloader, and am doing the high level C part.
Not entirely sure what you mean by that. Are you writing your bootloader in high level C you mean?
nexos wrote:I am making that will drop down to real mode. After debugging, I see that it jumps to a bogus memory location
This is most likely because you haven't set up the segment registers properly. Using "jmp A00:x" would need ORG 0 in your code. Oh, and you MUST restore IDT to IVT before you cloud use BIOS interrupts.

This is a working example (fasm syntax sorry), I keep CS to zero and I don't touch IDT in protmode, so it's still pointing to IVT:

Code: Select all

            ;get return address
            pop         ebp
            ;save stack pointer
            mov         dword [hw_stack], esp
            jmp         CODE_BOOT:.back ;load 16 bit mode segment into cs
.back:      mov         eax, CR0
            and         al, 0FEh        ;switching back to real mode
            mov         CR0, eax
            xor         ax, ax
            mov         ds, ax          ;load registers 2nd turn
            mov         es, ax
            mov         ss, ax
            jmp         0:.back2
.back2:     mov         sp, word [hw_stack]
            jmp         bp

Re: Problem dropping down to real mode

Posted: Mon Jun 22, 2020 12:27 pm
by nexos
Ok that makes sense! Thank you!