Random tripple fault in bochs in protected mode

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Random tripple fault in bochs in protected mode

Post by Je06 »

I'm having trouble tracking down a bug in my code. It onlyhappens some of the time. I'm using bochs.

I have a GDT and IDT setup.

It usually faults in a while loop

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    while (true) {}

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#define     ALIGN(a) __attribute__((aligned(a)))

GDT::GDT_Entry GDT_Entries[4] ALIGN(16);

IDT::IDT_Entry IDT_Entries[0x40] ALIGN(16);

    // Setup GDT
    GDT::set_gdt_entry(GDT_Entries, 1, 0, -1, true);
    GDT::set_gdt_entry(GDT_Entries, 2, 0, -1, false);

    GDT::set_gdt(&GDT_Ptr, GDT_Entries, sizeof(GDT_Entries));
    enable_gdt(&GDT_Ptr, 0x08, 0x10);

    // Setup interrupts
    for (size_t i = 0; i < 0x40; i++) {
        IDT::set_idt_entry(IDT_Entries, i, 0x08, (uint32_t)test, true);

    IDT::set_idt_entry(IDT_Entries, 8, 0x08, (uint32_t)test2, true);
    IDT::set_idt_entry(IDT_Entries, 10, 0x08, (uint32_t)test2, true);
    IDT::set_idt_entry(IDT_Entries, 11, 0x08, (uint32_t)test2, true);
    IDT::set_idt_entry(IDT_Entries, 12, 0x08, (uint32_t)test2, true);
    IDT::set_idt_entry(IDT_Entries, 13, 0x08, (uint32_t)test2, true);
    IDT::set_idt_entry(IDT_Entries, 14, 0x08, (uint32_t)test2, true);
    IDT::set_idt_entry(IDT_Entries, 17, 0x08, (uint32_t)test2, true);
    IDT::set_idt_entry(IDT_Entries, 30, 0x08, (uint32_t)test2, true);

    IDT::set_idt(&IDT_Ptr, IDT_Entries, sizeof(IDT_Entries));

    PIC::reload_pic(0x30, 0x38);


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typedef struct __attribute__((packed)){
    uint16_t size;
    uint32_t addr;
} GDT_Ptr;

typedef struct __attribute__((packed)){
    uint16_t limit;
    uint16_t base0;
    uint8_t base1;
    uint8_t access;
    uint8_t limit_flags;
    uint8_t base2;
} GDT_Entry;

typedef struct __attribute__((packed)) {
    uint16_t size;
    uint32_t addr;
} IDT_Ptr;

typedef struct __attribute__((packed)) {
    uint16_t base0;
    uint16_t selector;
    uint8_t zero;
    uint8_t type;
    uint16_t base1;
} IDT_Entry;

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void set_gdt(GDT_Ptr *ptr, GDT_Entry *gdt, size_t size) {
    ptr->size = size - 1;
    ptr->addr = (uint32_t)gdt;

void set_gdt_entry(GDT_Entry *gdt, size_t index, uint32_t base, uint32_t limit, bool code) {
    gdt[index].base0 = (uint16_t)base;
    gdt[index].base1 = (uint8_t)(base >> 16);
    gdt[index].base2 = (uint8_t)(base >> 24);
    gdt[index].limit = (uint16_t)limit;
    gdt[index].limit_flags = (uint8_t)((limit >> 16) & 0xf) | 0b11000000;

    if (limit != 0)
        gdt[index].access = 0b10010010;
        gdt[index].access = 0b00010010;

    if (code)
        gdt[index].access |= 0b1000;

void set_idt(IDT_Ptr *ptr, IDT_Entry *idt, size_t size) {
    ptr->size = size - 1;
    ptr->addr = (uint32_t)idt;

void set_idt_entry(IDT_Entry *idt, size_t index, uint16_t selector, uint32_t base, bool present) {
    idt[index].base0 = (uint16_t)base;
    idt[index].base1 = (uint16_t)(base >> 16);

    idt[index].selector = selector;

    if (present)
        idt[index].type = 0b10001111;
        idt[index].type = 0;

    idt[index].zero = 0;

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global enable_gdt
    mov     eax, [esp+4]
    mov     ecx, [esp+8]
    mov     edx, [esp+12]

    lgdt    [eax]

    mov     ax, dx
    mov     ds, ax
    mov     es, ax
    mov     ss, ax
    mov     fs, ax
    mov     gs, ax

    ; For some reason, retf mangles the esp
    mov     eax, esp

    push    cx
    push    _reload_code

    mov     esp, eax

global enable_idt
    mov     eax, [esp+4]
    lidt    [eax]

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global test
    xchg    bx, bx

global test2
    xchg    bx, bx
    add     esp, 4
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Re: Random tripple fault in bochs in protected mode

Post by iansjack »

Disable reset_on_triple_fault and use Boch's debugger to determine the address of the faulting instruction and the exception number of the first exception.

As you have rudimentary handlers for exceptions that should halt the processor, the most likely cause is an invalid stack.
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Re: Random tripple fault in bochs in protected mode

Post by Je06 »

iansjack wrote:Disable reset_on_triple_fault and use Boch's debugger to determine the address of the faulting instruction and the exception number of the first exception.

As you have rudimentary handlers for exceptions that should halt the processor, the most likely cause is an invalid stack.
Thanks for the tip! As it turns out, for some unknown reason, the CPU was trying to access memory that was not assigned to a linear address yet in my linear page mapper. I also looked at the stack, and it looks like it just the triple fault is the only one called. Adding more memory to my linear address space solved the problem
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