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fastest way to use GRUB to jump to the start symbol

Posted: Thu May 28, 2020 2:09 am
by ITchimp
I am looking for a floppy disk image that use GRUB as bootloader and jump to a piece of code located at 0x100000... on his web page, the floppy.img is missing, where can I have it? I don't mind generating it myself, but need some help and advice ... setup.html

Re: fastest way to use GRUB to jump to the start symbol

Posted: Thu May 28, 2020 2:44 am
by Octocontrabass
Why do you want a floppy disk image? Are you really writing an OS for hardware that can't boot from CD or USB?

If you don't really need a floppy disk image, follow the instructions here to use grub-mkrescue to create a hybrid CD/USB image.

Re: fastest way to use GRUB to jump to the start symbol

Posted: Thu May 28, 2020 2:48 am
by Velko
You can try instructions from OSDev Wiki, if you like. Note that process involves juggling 2 floppies without shutting down the machine. No issue, if you have physical computer with real floppy drive, but I am not sure which VMs allow that.

But I personally think that it is easier to generate an ISO image using grub-mkrescue and boot from that.