The first question has to do with discarding packets. The wiki says that you should discard the entire packet if the x and y overflow bits are set. Does this mean you ignore the packet and the next packet read will be considered the flags packet, or do I need to ignore the next 2 reads for it to be considered the next group?
My second questions has to do with the delta x and delta y bytes. Is the delta value just a general number for how many units it moved in a particular direction, or is it determined from the difference between the previous number and the current number?
My third question has to do with expected values for delta x and delta y. I've been doing some testing with small mouse movements and most of the readings seem to be expected. I'll get positive and negative deltas between 1-10 in both directions depending on which way I move. I've also noticed that randomly the delta x, or delta y will have really high values between 250-256 even though I barely moved the mouse. I've noticed this more when I switch directions quickly on an axis. It can go from a -5 x delta to a 255 x delta even though the mouse barely moved. Is this something anyone here has encountered a lot? I'm not sure if these values are expected or not.
Here's an example of what I'm describing in my third question since it might help clarify things.
Code: Select all
positive x: 8
positive y: 4
positive x: 1
positive y: 0
positive x: 0
positive y: 1
negative x: 255
positive y: 1
negative x: 24
positive y: 24
negative x: 24
positive y: 242