interrupts..interrupts..and more interrupts
Posted: Mon Aug 15, 2005 11:00 pm
i have some problem that needs your help.
my mouse driver works fine for the normal motion of the mouse .. however when the user moves the mouse quite fast the mouse just sticks to the borders of the screen .. perhaps because it cannot handle succesive interrupts correctly
here is my mouse driver,
it simply receives three successive interrupts from the mouse and read three successive bytes,
*mouse_cycle: is the counter that determines which one of the three interrupts is the current one
*_kernelMouseDriverData: is the mouse data sent by the mouse, it is public but accessed only from the _mouse_events proc
*_mouse_event: a C function that notifies the tasks that a mouse event has occured and it draws the cursor
if more clarifications are required just tell me
my mouse driver works fine for the normal motion of the mouse .. however when the user moves the mouse quite fast the mouse just sticks to the borders of the screen .. perhaps because it cannot handle succesive interrupts correctly
here is my mouse driver,
it simply receives three successive interrupts from the mouse and read three successive bytes,
*mouse_cycle: is the counter that determines which one of the three interrupts is the current one
*_kernelMouseDriverData: is the mouse data sent by the mouse, it is public but accessed only from the _mouse_events proc
*_mouse_event: a C function that notifies the tasks that a mouse event has occured and it draws the cursor
if more clarifications are required just tell me
Code: Select all
_kernelMouseDriverData db 0,0,0 ;; the data sent by the mouse
mouse_cycle db 0 ;; which byte is the current one
push eax
push ebx
;; mouse_byte[mouse_cycle] = inportb(0x60)
xor eax,eax
in al,60h
;;read mouse byte
xor ebx,ebx
mov bl,[mouse_cycle]
mov [byte ptr ebx+offset _kernelMouseDriverData],al
;; mouse_cycle = (mouse_cycle==2) ? (0) : mouse_cycle+1)
cmp [mouse_cycle],02
je int2c_handler_lastbyte
inc [mouse_cycle] ;less than 2
jmp int2c_handler_end
int2c_handler_lastbyte: ;equals 2
mov [mouse_cycle],0
call _mouse_events ;;let the events fire
;; Issue an end-of-interrupt (EOI) to the slave PIC
mov AL, 00100000b
out 0A0h, AL
;; Issue an end-of-interrupt (EOI) to the master PIC
mov AL, 00100000b
out 20h, AL
pop ebx
pop eax