Simple Assembly UEFI Application -- Can't Exit Boot Services

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Simple Assembly UEFI Application -- Can't Exit Boot Services

Post by charlesap »

I can make a simple pe+ UEFI application with fasm or nasm, I can output text using SIMPLE_TEXT_OUTPUT_INTERFACE, I can get the memory map using EFI_BOOT_SERVICES, I can reset the system using EFI_SYSTEM_TABLE.RuntimeServices but I cannot get EFI_BOOT_SERVICES.ExitBootServices to work.

I've searched OSDev and scoured the Internet... I've gotten desperate enough to actually ask a question. Is there something obvious I'm missing?

I've put the source assembly and the one assembly include file and build instructions I am following up on in case that's where the real problem is.

I expect the following code to use RuntimeServices to reboot after completing ExitBootServices. It just hangs. It will reboot just fine if I comment out the ExitBootServices part.


Code: Select all

format pe64 dll efi
entry main

section '.text' code executable readable

include ''

 sub rsp, 4*8              ; reserve space for 4 arguments

 mov [Handle], rcx         ; ImageHandle
 mov [SystemTable], rdx    ; pointer to SystemTable

 lea rdx, [_hello]
 mov rcx, [SystemTable]
 mov rcx, [rcx + EFI_SYSTEM_TABLE.ConOut]
 call [rcx + SIMPLE_TEXT_OUTPUT_INTERFACE.OutputString]

 ; get the memory map

 mov dword [memmapdescsize], 48
 lea rcx, [memmapsize]
 mov qword [rcx], 4096
 lea rdx, [memmapbuff]
 lea r8, [memmapkey]
 lea r9, [memmapdescsize]
 lea rax, [memmapdescver]
 push rax
 mov rax, [SystemTable]
 mov rax, [rax + EFI_SYSTEM_TABLE.BootServices]
 call [rax + EFI_BOOT_SERVICES.GetMemoryMap]
 pop rcx
 test rax, rax
 jnz oops
 mov rcx, [Handle]
 mov rdx, [memmapkey]
 mov rax, [SystemTable]
 mov rax, [rax + EFI_SYSTEM_TABLE.BootServices]
 call [rax + EFI_BOOT_SERVICES.ExitBootServices]
 cmp rax, EFI_SUCCESS
 je reboot

 ; if first time fails, second time is supposed to succeed:

 mov dword [memmapdescsize], 48
 lea rcx, [memmapsize]
 mov qword [rcx], 4096
 lea rdx, [memmapbuff]
 lea r8, [memmapkey]
 lea r9, [memmapdescsize]
 lea rax, [memmapdescver]
 push rax
 mov rax, [SystemTable]
 mov rax, [rax + EFI_SYSTEM_TABLE.BootServices]
 call [rax + EFI_BOOT_SERVICES.GetMemoryMap]
 pop rcx
 test rax, rax
 jnz oops

 mov rcx, [Handle]
 mov rdx, [memmapkey]
 mov rax, [SystemTable]
 mov rax, [rax + EFI_SYSTEM_TABLE.BootServices]
 call [rax + EFI_BOOT_SERVICES.ExitBootServices]

 mov rax, [SystemTable]
 mov rax, [rax + EFI_SYSTEM_TABLE.RuntimeServices]
 mov rcx, EfiResetShutdown
 mov rdx, EFI_SUCCESS
 xor r8, r8
 xor r9, r9
 call [rax + EFI_RUNTIME_SERVICES.ResetSystem]
 jmp oops

 lea rdx, [_nok]
 mov rcx, [SystemTable]
 mov rcx, [rcx + EFI_SYSTEM_TABLE.ConOut]
 call [rcx + SIMPLE_TEXT_OUTPUT_INTERFACE.OutputString]

 jmp $-1

 add rsp, 4*8
 mov eax, 0 ; was EFI_SUCCESS

section '.data' data readable writeable

memmapbuff: rb 4096

Handle      dq 0
SystemTable dq 0

memmapsize:     dq 4096
memmapkey:      dq 0
memmapdescsize: dq 0
memmapdescver:  dq 0

_yok      du 'ok.',13,10,0
_nok	  du 'not ok.',13,10,0
_hello du 'hello world',13,10,0

section '.reloc' fixups data discardable
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Re: Simple Assembly UEFI Application -- Can't Exit Boot Serv

Post by bzt »


Code: Select all

call [rax + EFI_BOOT_SERVICES.GetMemoryMap]
It's a miracle if your code does anything at all, the UEFI ABI is not like that. You can only pass 4 arguments in registers, the others must be in stack, and you must preserve space for those 4 arguments. Also you must pass the number of arguments as a first argument on every function call. Therefore the address of the memory key (required by ExitBootServices) is NOT passed in r8.

Check out the wiki There the uefi_call_wrapper macro counts the arguments and calls uefifunc with SysV-like ABI (passing argument count in AL, and the uefi func in RBX). It worth mentioning that it also calculates function addresses dynamically. Then uefifunc arranges the stack and registers properly and calls the real function using the fastcall-like UEFI ABI.

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Re: Simple Assembly UEFI Application -- Can't Exit Boot Serv

Post by charlesap »

Thanks for the pointer. Perhaps can help... I hope to make raw calls as simply as possible. Clearly I'm missing something!
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Re: Simple Assembly UEFI Application -- Can't Exit Boot Serv

Post by zaval »

You can only pass 4 arguments in registers, the others must be in stack
he does this.
Also you must pass the number of arguments as a first argument on every function call.
WHAT? it's BS. there is no such a thing in the UEFI spec.

As of the OP problem, you don't need to call both GetMemoryMap() and ExitBootServices() twice, it's wrong. I mean - testing only for zero (EFI_SUCCESS) after the first call to GetMemoryMap() is not enough. And also wrong to just duplicate code after the fail without any actions. The algorithm for dealing with this pair is like this:

Code: Select all

/* you first call GetMemoryMap() to learn how big memory map is going to be
 * passing some reasonable sized buffer
PVOID Buffer;
St = AllocatePool(EfiLoaderData, MemoryMapSize, &Buffer);
Counter = 1;
Addendum = 0x1000; /* modify it if you see, that this is too small and function doesn't succeed quickly */
  Status = GetMemoryMap(&MemoryMapSize, (EFI_MEMORY_DESCRIPTOR *)Buffer, &MapKey, &DescriptorSize, &DescriptorVersion);
      FreePool(Buffer); /* or FreePages() depending on what allocation mechanism you were using */
      MemoryMapSize += Addendum;
      St = AllocatePool(EfiLoaderData, MemoryMapSize, &Buffer);
      if(St != EFI_SUCCESS)
          Fail("Can't allocate memory for the memory map.");
      Fail("My loader has a bug.");
}while(Status == EFI_BUFFER_TOO_SMALL);

DebugPrint("GetMemoryMap succeeded from the %d time.", Count); /* for addendum tuning */
Status = ExitBootServices(MyHandle, MapKey);
if(Status == EFI_SUCCESS){
    /* here, you do your crazy stuff, BUT without relying on Boot Services */
    Fail("I passed a wrong MapKey to ExitBootServices().");
And yet, may I give an advice? Write in C, don't torturize your 4ss. :D At least UEFI part; it's specially been done for C writing.
Thanks for the pointer. Perhaps can help... I hope to make raw calls as simply as possible. Clearly I'm missing something!
I'd not rely on those pointers, since they are obviously broken, bzt often claims things that are true only for him.
Last edited by zaval on Sat Apr 27, 2019 5:03 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: Simple Assembly UEFI Application -- Can't Exit Boot Serv

Post by kzinti »

zaval wrote:
Also you must pass the number of arguments as a first argument on every function call.
WHAT? it's BS. there is no such a thing in the UEFI spec.
I concur.
zaval wrote: And yet, may I give an advice? Write in C, don't torturize your 4ss. :D At least UEFI part; it's specially been done for C writing.
I concur. Why torture yourself with assembly when you don't need it. Here is another example from my own code base: ... #L146-L184

Code: Select all

static EFI_STATUS ExitBootServices()
    UINTN size = 0;
    UINTN allocatedSize = 0;
    EFI_MEMORY_DESCRIPTOR* descriptors = nullptr;
    UINTN memoryMapKey = 0;
    UINTN descriptorSize = 0;
    UINT32 descriptorVersion = 0;

    // 1) Retrieve the memory map from the firmware
    EFI_STATUS status;
    while ((status = BS->GetMemoryMap(&size, descriptors, &memoryMapKey, &descriptorSize, &descriptorVersion)) == EFI_BUFFER_TOO_SMALL)
        // Extra space to play safe with "partial shutdown" when calling ExitBootServices().
        size += descriptorSize * 10;

        descriptors = (EFI_MEMORY_DESCRIPTOR*)realloc(descriptors, size);
        if (!descriptors)
            return EFI_OUT_OF_RESOURCES;

        allocatedSize = size;

    // 2) Exit boot services - it is possible for the firmware to modify the memory map
    // during a call to ExitBootServices(). A so-called "partial shutdown".
    // When that happens, ExitBootServices() will return EFI_INVALID_PARAMETER.
    while ((status = BS->ExitBootServices(g_efiImage, memoryMapKey)) == EFI_INVALID_PARAMETER)
        // Memory map changed during ExitBootServices(), the only APIs we are allowed to
        // call at this point are GetMemoryMap() and ExitBootServices().
        size = allocatedSize;
        status = BS->GetMemoryMap(&size, descriptors, &memoryMapKey, &descriptorSize, &descriptorVersion);
        if (EFI_ERROR(status))
            return status;

    return status;
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Re: Simple Assembly UEFI Application -- Can't Exit Boot Serv

Post by charlesap »

It is my intention to get away from assembly as soon as I can... but my goal is to move to a native Oberon instead of c, which somewhat constrains my toolchain...

Also I have banged on the code for long enough that it has started working and now I have to figure out why.

I'll post an update.
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Re: Simple Assembly UEFI Application -- Can't Exit Boot Serv

Post by kzinti »

charlesap wrote:It is my intention to get away from assembly as soon as I can... but my goal is to move to a native Oberon instead of c, which somewhat constrains my toolchain...
Surely you can use C to bootstrap your Oberon runtime?
charlesap wrote:Also I have banged on the code for long enough that it has started working and now I have to figure out why.
Well that's good news (hopefully). Getting UEFI to cooperate is rather painful.
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Re: Simple Assembly UEFI Application -- Can't Exit Boot Serv

Post by charlesap »

So here's the code that works (successfully calls ExitBootServices and then successfully calls ResetSystem) :

Code: Select all

format pe64 dll efi
entry main

section '.text' code executable readable

include ''

 sub rsp, 6*8              ; reserve space for 6 arguments

 mov [Handle], rcx         ; ImageHandle
 mov [SystemTable], rdx    ; pointer to SystemTable

 lea rdx, [_hello]
 mov rcx, [SystemTable]
 mov rcx, [rcx + EFI_SYSTEM_TABLE.ConOut]
 call [rcx + SIMPLE_TEXT_OUTPUT_INTERFACE.OutputString]

 mov qword [memmapsize], 4096
 lea rcx, [memmapsize]
 lea rdx, [memmap]
 lea r8, [memmapkey]
 lea r9, [memmapdescsize]
 lea r10, [memmapdescver]
 mov [STK],rsp
 push r10
 sub rsp, 4*8
 mov rbx, [SystemTable]
 mov rbx, [rbx + EFI_SYSTEM_TABLE.BootServices]
 call [rbx + EFI_BOOT_SERVICES.GetMemoryMap]
 add rsp, 4*8
 pop r10
 mov rsp, [STK]
 cmp rax, EFI_SUCCESS
 jne oops

       mov rbx, [memmapkey]
       push rax
       push rcx
       push rdx
       call printhex
       pop rdx
       pop rcx
       pop rax

 mov rcx, [Handle]
 mov rdx, [memmapkey]
 mov rbx, [SystemTable]
 mov rbx, [rbx + EFI_SYSTEM_TABLE.BootServices]
 call [rbx + EFI_BOOT_SERVICES.ExitBootServices]
 cmp rax, EFI_SUCCESS
 je reboot

 ; if first time fails, second time is supposed to succeed:

 mov qword [memmapsize], 4096
 lea rcx, [memmapsize]
 lea rdx, [memmap]
 lea r8, [memmapkey]
 lea r9, [memmapdescsize]
 lea r10, [memmapdescver]
 mov [STK],rsp
 push r10
 sub rsp, 4*8
 mov rax, 5
 mov rbx, [SystemTable]
 mov rbx, [rbx + EFI_SYSTEM_TABLE.BootServices]
 call [rbx + EFI_BOOT_SERVICES.GetMemoryMap]
 add rsp, 4*8
 pop r10
 mov rsp, [STK]
 cmp rax, EFI_SUCCESS
 jne oops

       mov rbx, [memmapkey]
       push rax
       push rcx
       push rdx
       call printhex
       pop rdx
       pop rcx
       pop rax

 mov rcx, [Handle]
 mov rdx, [memmapkey]
 mov rbx, [SystemTable]
 mov rbx, [rbx + EFI_SYSTEM_TABLE.BootServices]
 call [rbx + EFI_BOOT_SERVICES.ExitBootServices]

 mov rbx, [SystemTable]
 mov rbx, [rbx + EFI_SYSTEM_TABLE.RuntimeServices]

 mov rcx, EfiResetShutdown
 mov rdx, EFI_SUCCESS
 xor r8, r8
 call [rbx + EFI_RUNTIME_SERVICES.ResetSystem]
 jmp oops

 lea rdx, [_nok]
 mov rcx, [SystemTable]
 mov rcx, [rcx + EFI_SYSTEM_TABLE.ConOut]
 call [rcx + SIMPLE_TEXT_OUTPUT_INTERFACE.OutputString]
 jmp A

 lea rdx, [_eek]
 mov rcx, [SystemTable]
 mov rcx, [rcx + EFI_SYSTEM_TABLE.ConOut]
 call [rcx + SIMPLE_TEXT_OUTPUT_INTERFACE.OutputString]
 jmp B

 lea rdx, [_boop]
 mov rcx, [SystemTable]
 mov rcx, [rcx + EFI_SYSTEM_TABLE.ConOut]
 call [rcx + SIMPLE_TEXT_OUTPUT_INTERFACE.OutputString]

 add rsp, 6*8
 mov eax, 0 ; was EFI_SUCCESS

 mov rbp, 16
	rol rbx, 4
	mov rax, rbx
	and rax, 0Fh
	lea rcx, [_Hex]
	mov rax, [rax + rcx]
	mov byte [_Num], al
        lea rdx, [_Num]
        mov rcx, [SystemTable]
        mov rcx, [rcx + EFI_SYSTEM_TABLE.ConOut]
        call [rcx + SIMPLE_TEXT_OUTPUT_INTERFACE.OutputString]
	dec rbp
 jnz .loop
 lea rdx, [_Nl]
 mov rcx, [SystemTable]
 mov rcx, [rcx + EFI_SYSTEM_TABLE.ConOut] 
 call [rcx + SIMPLE_TEXT_OUTPUT_INTERFACE.OutputString]


section '.data' data readable writeable
memmap:	    times 4096 db 0
Handle      dq 0
SystemTable dq 0
;RTS	    dq 0
;BS	    dq 0
STK	    dq 0
ptrmemmap:	dq 0
memmapsize:     dq 0
memmapkey:      dq 0
memmapdescsize: dq 0
memmapdescver:  dq 0

_yok      du 'ok.',13,10,0
_nok	  du 'not ok.',13,10,0
_eek      du 'eek!',13,10,0
_boop     du 'boop',13,10,0
_hello du 'hello world',13,10,0
_Hex					db '0123456789ABCDEF'
_Num					dw 0,0
_Nl					dw 13,10,0

section '.reloc' fixups data discardable

The weird thing is that if I comment out either block where I am using printhex to output the memmapkey, the code hangs inside ExitBootServices. If I don't comment out the printhex calls I can go on with the uefi disabled and I can reboot the system, I can write to the framebuffer, etc. as one would expect.
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Re: Simple Assembly UEFI Application -- Can't Exit Boot Serv

Post by bellezzasolo »

zaval wrote:
You can only pass 4 arguments in registers, the others must be in stack
he does this.
Also you must pass the number of arguments as a first argument on every function call.
WHAT? it's BS. there is no such a thing in the UEFI spec.
It kind of is in the UEFI spec. You need a 16 byte aligned stack, using the "C calling convention"
UEFI Spec wrote:The caller passes the first four integer arguments in registers. The integer values are passed from left to right in Rcx, Rdx, R8, and R9 registers. The caller passes arguments five and above onto the stack. All arguments must be right-justified in the register in which they are passed. This ensures the callee can process only the bits in the register that are required.
The caller passes arrays and strings via a pointer to memory allocated by the caller. The caller passes structures and unions of size 8, 16, 32, or 64 bits as if they were integers of the same size. The caller is not allowed to pass structures and unions of other than these sizes and must pass these unions and structures via a pointer.
The callee must dump the register parameters into their shadow space if required. The most common requirement is to take the address of an argument.
This is the MS x64 calling convention - ... ew=vs-2019
Whoever said you can't do OS development on Windows?
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Re: Simple Assembly UEFI Application -- Can't Exit Boot Serv

Post by bzt »

charlesap wrote: The weird thing is that if I comment out either block where I am using printhex to output the memmapkey, the code hangs inside ExitBootServices. If I don't comment out the printhex calls I can go on with the uefi disabled and I can reboot the system, I can write to the framebuffer, etc. as one would expect.
Keep in mind that print (I mean Simple Text Output protocol) may or may not allocate temporary variables depending on it's arguments. Your memmapkey is only valid if the memory map does not change. Therefore you must avoid calling anything that may allocate or free memory between the GetMemMap and ExitBootServices, otherwise ExitBootServices will always return with an "Invalid key" error.

What you wrote seems to be quite the opposite, which is strange. Without digging deep into your code it looks like you pass the wrong argument somehow, and printhex somehow sets it in the correct register too. I would recommend to use a debugger and check the input arguments for ExitBootServices with and without printhex, inputs should be the same.

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Re: Simple Assembly UEFI Application -- Can't Exit Boot Serv

Post by MichaelPetch »

Why is it with some EFI calls you allocate the required space (32 bytes) before making a call and other places you don't. You need the shadow space allocated on the stack before each EFI call. Maybe I'm missing something, but most of your calls seem to have this missing. Maybe I have misread your code and you are doing it.
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Re: Simple Assembly UEFI Application -- Can't Exit Boot Serv

Post by charlesap »

While I do make some room on the stack at the very beginning of my routine (that's the sub rsp, 6*8) I think maybe the garbage in the shadow space may be what is tripping up ExitBootServices. Perhaps. Gonna have to test that. That's the only way I figure the pushes and pops of printhex would make a difference.
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Re: Simple Assembly UEFI Application -- Can't Exit Boot Serv

Post by zaval »

MichaelPetch wrote:Why is it with some EFI calls you allocate the required space (32 bytes) before making a call and other places you don't. You need the shadow space allocated on the stack before each EFI call. Maybe I'm missing something, but most of your calls seem to have this missing. Maybe I have misread your code and you are doing it.
No. Every function needs to do this only once (at its beginning). It allocates at the end of its stack (topmost) the number of slots for parameters. The number of slots is the number of parameters of a function from the set of functions, that this function calls, that has the biggest number of parameters. :twisted: Say, here, the main function calls several functions, from which GetMemoryMap() has the largest count of parameters - 5. So, the main function allocates 5 slots in its stack frame for the parameters.

I looked deeper at the code. It shows not understanding the calling convention. If I remembered x86 asm, I'd write it, but. For example, you don't need all those manipulations with rsp before a function call.
A stack frame of a function must be like this:
[saved nonvolatile registers] --- highest address
[your stack variables]
[argN] --- N the biggest number of a parameter from the set of functions this function will call
[r9] --- slot for r9, just have it, not initialize
[rcx] --- the lowest address, rsp points here before any function call

So when calling GetMemoryMap() and doing:

Code: Select all

lea r10, [memmapdescver]
mov [STK],rsp
push r10
you place the 5th parameter in a wrong position.
instead, you need:

Code: Select all

lea r10, [memmapdescver]
mov [rsp + 4*8], r10    ; see scheme above
Last edited by zaval on Sun Apr 28, 2019 7:17 pm, edited 2 times in total.
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Re: Simple Assembly UEFI Application -- Can't Exit Boot Serv

Post by zaval »

Ok, try this. But remember, I wrote in x86 a long time ago. :mrgreen:

Code: Select all

format pe64 dll efi
entry main

section '.text' code executable readable

include ''

	push	rbx
	push	r12
	sub	rsp, 5 * 8	; keeping it 16 byte aligned

	mov	[Handle], rcx	; ImageHandle
	mov	rbx, rdx	; SystemTable
	mov	r12, [rdx + EFI_SYSTEM_TABLE.BootServices]

	lea	rdx, [szHello]
	mov	rcx, [rbx + EFI_SYSTEM_TABLE.ConOut]
	call	[rcx + SIMPLE_TEXT_OUTPUT_INTERFACE.OutputString]

	mov	rdx, [memmapsize]
a:	mov	rcx, EfiLoaderData
	lea	r8, [memmap]
	call	[r12 + EFI_BOOT_SERVICES.AllocatePool]
	cmp	rax, EFI_SUCCESS
	je	b
	; Fail
	lea	rdx, [szAllocFail]
	mov	rcx, [rbx + EFI_SYSTEM_TABLE.ConOut]
	call	[rcx + SIMPLE_TEXT_OUTPUT_INTERFACE.OutputString]
	jmp	Fail

b:	lea	rcx, [memmapsize]
	mov	rdx, [memmap]
	lea	r8, [memmapkey]
	lea	r9, [memmapdescsize]
	lea	r10, [memmapdescver]
	mov	[rsp + 4 * 8], r10
	call	[r12 + EFI_BOOT_SERVICES.GetMemoryMap]

	cmp	rax, EFI_SUCCESS
	je	d
	je	c
	; Fail
	lea	rdx, [szGetMemMapFail]
	mov	rcx, [rbx + EFI_SYSTEM_TABLE.ConOut]
	call	[rcx + SIMPLE_TEXT_OUTPUT_INTERFACE.OutputString]
	jmp	Fail

c:	mov	rcx, [memmap]
	call	[r12 + EFI_BOOT_SERVICES.FreePool]
	mov	rdx, [memmapsize]
	add	rdx, 400h
	mov	[memmapsize], rdx
	jmp	a

d:	mov	rcx, [Handle]
	mov	rdx, [memmapkey]
	call	[r12 + EFI_BOOT_SERVICES.ExitBootServices]
	cmp	rax, EFI_SUCCESS
	je	reboot
	; Fail
	lea	rdx, [szExitBootServFail]
	mov	rcx, [rbx + EFI_SYSTEM_TABLE.ConOut]
	call	[rcx + SIMPLE_TEXT_OUTPUT_INTERFACE.OutputString]
	jmp	Fail

	mov	rax, [rbx + EFI_SYSTEM_TABLE.RuntimeServices]
	mov	rcx, EfiResetShutdown
	mov	rdx, EFI_SUCCESS
	xor	r8, r8
	call	[rax + EFI_RUNTIME_SERVICES.ResetSystem]

Fail:	mov	rax, EFI_NOT_READY	; what else? :D
	add	rsp, 5 * 8
	pop	r12
	pop	rbx

section '.data' data readable writeable
memmap:		dq 0	; this is a pointer to a buffer for the memory map
Handle:		dq 0
SystemTable:	dq 0
memmapsize:     dq 1000h
memmapkey:      dq 0
memmapdescsize: dq 0
memmapdescver:  dq 0

szHello			du 'hello, world', 13, 10, 0
szAllocFail		du 'allocation failed', 13, 10, 0
szGetMemMapFail		du 'getting memory map failed', 13, 10, 0
szExitBootServFail	du 'exiting boot services failed', 13, 10, 0

section '.reloc' fixups data discardable
Added later.
1. fixed a very unpleasant bug (memmap was db instead of dq).
2. fixed missed return address influence on the stack alignment
Last edited by zaval on Mon Apr 29, 2019 3:31 pm, edited 2 times in total.
ANT - NT-like OS for x64 and arm64.
efify - UEFI for a couple of boards (mips and arm). suspended due to lost of all the target park boards (russians destroyed our town).
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Re: Simple Assembly UEFI Application -- Can't Exit Boot Serv

Post by MichaelPetch »

A version of the code that handles the stack alignment; moves the saving and restoring of registers into the function print_hex; properly handles the shadow space could look like:

Code: Select all

bits 64
org 0x8000000
section .header

    dd 0x00005a4d
    times 14 dd 0
    dd 0x00000080
    times 16 dd 0

        dd `PE\0\0`     ; sig
    dw 0x8664       ; type
    dw 3            ; sections
    dd 0x5cba52f6       ; timestamp
    dq 0            ; * symbol table + # symbols
    dw osize        ; oheader size
    dw 0x202e       ; characteristics

    dd 0x0000020b       ; oheader + 0000 linker sig
    dd 8192 ;codesize       ; code size
    dd 8192 ;datasize       ; data size
    dd 0            ; uninitialized data size
    dd 4096         ; * entry
    dd 4096         ; * code base
    dq 0x8000000        ; * image base
    dd 4096         ; section alignment
    dd 4096         ; file alignment
    dq 0            ; os maj, min, image maj, min
    dq 0            ; subsys maj, min, reserved
    dd 0x5000       ; image size
    dd 4096         ; headers size
    dd 0            ; checksum
    dd 0x0040000A       ; dll characteristics & subsystem
    dq 0x10000      ; stack reserve size
    dq 0x10000      ; stack commit size
    dq 0x10000      ; heap reserve size
    dq 0            ; heap reserve commit
    dd 0            ; loader flags
    dd 0x10         ; rva count

    times 5 dq 0        ; unused
    dd 0x8005000        ; virtual address .reloc
    dd 0            ; size .reloc
        times 10 dq 0       ; unused
osize equ OEND - OHEADER

    dq  `.text`     ; name
    dd  8192 ;codesize      ; virtual size
    dd  4096        ; virtual address
    dd  8192        ; raw data size
    dd  4096        ; * raw data
    dq  0           ; * relocations, * line numbers
    dd  0           ; # relocations, # line numbers
    dd  0x60000020      ; characteristics

        dq  `.data`
        dd  8192 ;datasize
        dd  12288
        dd  8192
        dd  12288
        dq  0
        dd  0
        dd  0xC0000040

    dq  `.reloc`
    dd  0
    dd  20480
    dd  0
    dd  20480
    dq  0
    dd  0
    dd  0x02000040

    times 4096 - ($-$$) db 0  ;align the text section on a 4096 byte boundary

section .text follows=.header

EFI_SUCCESS                                 equ 0
EFI_SYSTEM_TABLE_SIGNATURE                  equ 0x5453595320494249
EFI_SYSTEM_TABLE_CONOUT                         equ 64
EFI_SYSTEM_TABLE_BOOTSERVICES                   equ 96


EFI_BOOT_SERVICES_EXIT                  equ 216


 sub rsp, 6*8+8    ; Stack is misaligned by 8 when control is transferred to
                   ; the EFI entry point. In addition to the shadow space
                   ; (32 bytes) and space for stack based paramaters to be
                   ; saved - we also have to allocate an additional
                   ; 8 bytes to ensure stack alignment on a 16-byte boundary
                   ; 8+(6*8+8)=64, 64 is evenly divisible by 16 at this point

 mov [Handle], rcx
 mov [SystemTable], rdx

 mov rax, [SystemTable]
 mov [BS], rax

 mov rax, [SystemTable]
 mov [RTS], rax

 lea rdx, [herewego]
 mov rcx, [SystemTable]
 mov rcx, [rcx + EFI_SYSTEM_TABLE_CONOUT]

 ; get the memory map
 mov qword [memmapsize], 4096
 lea rcx, [memmapsize]
 lea rdx, [memmap]
 lea r8, [memmapkey]
 lea r9, [memmapdescsize]
 lea r10, [memmapdescver]
 mov [rsp+32], r10         ; Don't push R10 on the stack, move it directly to
                           ; the stack immediately above the shadow space
 mov rbx, [BS]
 cmp rax, EFI_SUCCESS
 jne oops

 ; find the interface to GOP
 mov rbx, [SystemTable]
 mov rdx, 0
 lea r8, [Interface]
 cmp rax, EFI_SUCCESS
 jne oops

 mov rcx, [Interface]
 mov rcx, [rcx + 0x18 ] ;EFI_GRAPHICS_OUTPUT_PROTOCOL_MODE
 mov [FB], rbx
 mov [FBS], rcx
 cmp rax, EFI_SUCCESS
 jne oops

       mov rbx, [FB]
       call printhex

       mov rbx, [FBS]
       call printhex

 ; exit boot services
 mov rcx, [Handle]
 mov rdx, [memmapkey]
 mov rbx, [SystemTable]
 cmp rax, EFI_SUCCESS
; je g5
 je fillframe

       mov rbx, [memmapkey]
       call printhex

 ; repeat the call to get the memory map
 mov qword [memmapsize], 4096
 lea rcx, [memmapsize]
 lea rdx, [memmap]
 lea r8, [memmapkey]
 lea r9, [memmapdescsize]
 lea r10, [memmapdescver]
 mov rbx, [BS]
 mov [rsp+32], r10         ; Don't push R10 on the stack, move it directly to
                           ; the stack immediately above the shadow space
 cmp rax, EFI_SUCCESS
 jne oops

       mov rbx, [memmapkey]
       call printhex

 ; exit boot services again
 mov rcx, [Handle]
 mov rdx, [memmapkey]
 xor r8, r8
 mov rbx, [SystemTable]
 ;cmp rax, EFI_SUCCESS
 ;je g5
 ;jmp oops

 mov rcx, [FB]
 mov rax, [FBS]
 dec rax
 mov byte[rcx+rax],255
 jnz Q

 jmp W

 mov rcx, 2 ;EfiResetShutdown
 mov rdx, EFI_SUCCESS
 mov rax, [SystemTable]

 lea rdx, [fail]
 mov rcx, [SystemTable]
 mov rcx, [rcx + EFI_SYSTEM_TABLE_CONOUT]
 jmp $

                         ; Stack msialigned by 8 at function entry
 mov rbp, 16
 push rax
 push rcx
 push rdx                ; 3 pushes also align stack on 16 byte boundary
                         ; (8+3*8)=32, 32 evenly divisible by 16
 sub rsp, 32             ; Allocate 32 bytes of shadow space
    rol rbx, 4
    mov rax, rbx
    and rax, 0Fh
    lea rcx, [_Hex]
    mov rax, [rax + rcx]
    mov byte [_Num], al
        lea rdx, [_Num]
        mov rcx, [SystemTable]
        mov rcx, [rcx + EFI_SYSTEM_TABLE_CONOUT]
    dec rbp
 jnz .loop
 lea rdx, [_Nl]
 mov rcx, [SystemTable]
 mov rcx, [rcx + EFI_SYSTEM_TABLE_CONOUT]

 add rsp, 32
 pop rdx
 pop rcx
 pop rax

    times 8192-($-$$) db 0

codesize equ $ - $$

section .data follows=.text

Handle          dq 0
SystemTable     dq 0
Interface       dq 0
BS      dq 0
RTS     dq 0
STK         dq 0
FB              dq 0
FBS             dq 0
memmapsize      dq 4096
memmapkey       dq 0
memmapdescsize  dq 48
memmapdescver   dq 0

_EFI_GRAPHICS_OUTPUT_PROTOCOL_GUID db 0xde, 0xa9, 0x42, 0x90, 0xdc, 0x23, 0x38, 0x4a
                                  db 0x96, 0xfb, 0x7a, 0xde, 0xd0, 0x80, 0x51, 0x6a
fail     db __utf16__ `fail.\r\n\0`
nok      db __utf16__ `Not OK.\r\n\0`
yok      db __utf16__ `OK.\r\n\0`
herewego db __utf16__ `here we go\r\n\0`
_Hex     db '0123456789ABCDEF'
_Num     dw 0,0
_Nl      dw 13,10,0

    times 4096-($-$$) db 0

    times 4096 db 0

datasize equ $ - $$

section .reloc
This code was also fixed so that when the first call to ExitBootServices succeeds it also fills the frame buffer (rather than shutting down). The main entry point should save and restore the volatile registers (and restore them when finished) hoeever given that your code has no path to get to the final `ret` it can be overlooked in this case.
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