Question about which tools to use, bugs, the best way to implement a function, etc should go here. Don't forget to see if your question is answered in the wiki first! When in doubt post here.
ReBootC wrote:Hey guys, I need help about Real mode Operating System.
If someone has a mosquito bite, gets annoyed because it's itchy and decides to amputate their own leg with a rusty knife, then asks you for help in cutting through bone; do you:
a) Hate them so much that you actually explain how to cut through bone like they asked, or
b) Do the right thing and help them avoid a massive mistake
What kind of help would you like?
For all things; perfection is, and will always remain, impossible to achieve in practice. However; by striving for perfection we create things that are as perfect as practically possible. Let the pursuit of perfection be our guide.
ReBootC wrote:Hey guys, I need help about Real mode Operating System.
If someone has a mosquito bite, gets annoyed because it's itchy and decides to amputate their own leg with a rusty knife, then asks you for help in cutting through bone; do you:
a) Hate them so much that you actually explain how to cut through bone like they asked, or
b) Do the right thing and help them avoid a massive mistake
ReBootC wrote:
I want code o change directory only.
Your[1] OS[2] has no directories, because it has no concept of a disk, a file, a directory, a file system. You have no current directory cause there are NO directories and because you have no concept of a "current" anything.
It's like asking how to change gears on a pile of tires.
1. Not yours, you copied it.
2. Not an OS, not every program which bootstraps itself is an OS.
But then you're almost certainly one of the few wingnuts who register every couple months to waste peoples time asking pants-on-head daft question out of spite.
To add to the above replies: No one on this forum will write code for you, or at least not for free.
Any implementation is specific to your OS so you need to write it. All of it.
If you run into problems while implementing something or if you need an explanation on some subject we'll be happy to help, but you should at least put some effort into trying yourself instead of copy-pasting some basic bootcode from the wiki and then asking "Write a filesystem implementation for me".