Hi, Ben.
Code: Select all
// ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
// Limits
#define MAX_QH 8
#define MAX_TD 32
// ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
// PCI Configuration Registers
// EECP-based
#define USBLEGSUP 0x00 // USB Legacy Support Extended Capability
#define UBSLEGCTLSTS 0x04 // USB Legacy Support Control/Status
// ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
// USB Legacy Support Register
#define USBLEGSUP_HC_OS 0x01000000 // HC OS Owned Semaphore
#define USBLEGSUP_HC_BIOS 0x00010000 // HC BIOS Owned Semaphore
#define USBLEGSUP_NCP_MASK 0x0000ff00 // Next EHCI Extended Capability Pointer
#define USBLEGSUP_CAPID 0x000000ff // Capability ID
// ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
// Host Controller Capability Registers
typedef struct EhciCapRegs
u8 capLength;
u8 reserved;
u16 hciVersion;
u32 hcsParams;
u32 hccParams;
u64 hcspPortRoute;
} PACKED EhciCapRegs;
// ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
// Host Controller Structural Parameters Register
#define HCSPARAMS_N_PORTS_MASK (15 << 0) // Number of Ports
#define HCSPARAMS_PPC (1 << 4) // Port Power Control
#define HCSPARAMS_PORT_ROUTE (1 << 7) // Port Routing Rules
#define HCSPARAMS_N_PCC_MASK (15 << 8) // Number of Ports per Companion Controller
#define HCSPARAMS_N_CC_MASK (15 << 12) // Number of Companion Controllers
#define HCSPARAMS_P_INDICATOR (1 << 16) // Port Indicator
#define HCSPARAMS_DPN_MASK (15 << 20) // Debug Port Number
// ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
// Host Controller Capability Parameters Register
#define HCCPARAMS_64_BIT (1 << 0) // 64-bit Addressing Capability
#define HCCPARAMS_PFLF (1 << 1) // Programmable Frame List Flag
#define HCCPARAMS_ASPC (1 << 2) // Asynchronous Schedule Park Capability
#define HCCPARAMS_IST_MASK (15 << 4) // Isochronous Sheduling Threshold
#define HCCPARAMS_EECP_MASK (255 << 8) // EHCI Extended Capabilities Pointer
// ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
// Host Controller Operational Registers
typedef struct EhciOpRegs
volatile u32 usbCmd;
volatile u32 usbSts;
volatile u32 usbIntr;
volatile u32 frameIndex;
volatile u32 ctrlDsSegment;
volatile u32 periodicListBase;
volatile u32 asyncListAddr;
volatile u32 reserved[9];
volatile u32 configFlag;
volatile u32 ports[];
} EhciOpRegs;
// ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
// USB Command Register
#define CMD_RS (1 << 0) // Run/Stop
#define CMD_HCRESET (1 << 1) // Host Controller Reset
#define CMD_FLS_MASK (3 << 2) // Frame List Size
#define CMD_FLS_SHIFT 2
#define CMD_PSE (1 << 4) // Periodic Schedule Enable
#define CMD_ASE (1 << 5) // Asynchronous Schedule Enable
#define CMD_IOAAD (1 << 6) // Interrupt on Async Advance Doorbell
#define CMD_LHCR (1 << 7) // Light Host Controller Reset
#define CMD_ASPMC_MASK (3 << 8) // Asynchronous Schedule Park Mode Count
#define CMD_ASPME (1 << 11) // Asynchronous Schedule Park Mode Enable
#define CMD_ITC_MASK (255 << 16) // Interrupt Threshold Control
#define CMD_ITC_SHIFT 16
// ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
// USB Status Register
#define STS_USBINT (1 << 0) // USB Interrupt
#define STS_ERROR (1 << 1) // USB Error Interrupt
#define STS_PCD (1 << 2) // Port Change Detect
#define STS_FLR (1 << 3) // Frame List Rollover
#define STS_HSE (1 << 4) // Host System Error
#define STS_IOAA (1 << 5) // Interrupt on Async Advance
#define STS_HCHALTED (1 << 12) // Host Controller Halted
#define STS_RECLAMATION (1 << 13) // Reclamation
#define STS_PSS (1 << 14) // Periodic Schedule Status
#define STS_@$$ (1 << 15) // Asynchronous Schedule Status
// ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
// USB Interrupt Enable Register
#define INTR_USBINT (1 << 0) // USB Interrupt Enable
#define INTR_ERROR (1 << 1) // USB Error Interrupt Enable
#define INTR_PCD (1 << 2) // Port Change Interrupt Enable
#define INTR_FLR (1 << 3) // Frame List Rollover Enable
#define INTR_HSE (1 << 4) // Host System Error Enable
#define INTR_IOAA (1 << 5) // Interrupt on Async Advance Enable
// ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
// Frame Index Register
#define FR_MASK 0x3fff
// ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
// Configure Flag Register
#define CF_PORT_ROUTE (1 << 0) // Configure Flag (CF)
// ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
// Port Status and Control Registers
#define PORT_CONNECTION (1 << 0) // Current Connect Status
#define PORT_CONNECTION_CHANGE (1 << 1) // Connect Status Change
#define PORT_ENABLE (1 << 2) // Port Enabled
#define PORT_ENABLE_CHANGE (1 << 3) // Port Enable Change
#define PORT_OVER_CURRENT (1 << 4) // Over-current Active
#define PORT_OVER_CURRENT_CHANGE (1 << 5) // Over-current Change
#define PORT_FPR (1 << 6) // Force Port Resume
#define PORT_SUSPEND (1 << 7) // Suspend
#define PORT_RESET (1 << 8) // Port Reset
#define PORT_LS_MASK (3 << 10) // Line Status
#define PORT_LS_SHIFT 10
#define PORT_POWER (1 << 12) // Port Power
#define PORT_OWNER (1 << 13) // Port Owner
#define PORT_IC_MASK (3 << 14) // Port Indicator Control
#define PORT_IC_SHIFT 14
#define PORT_TC_MASK (15 << 16) // Port Test Control
#define PORT_TC_SHIFT 16
#define PORT_WKCNNT_E (1 << 20) // Wake on Connect Enable
#define PORT_WKDSCNNT_E (1 << 21) // Wake on Disconnect Enable
#define PORT_WKOC_E (1 << 22) // Wake on Over-current Enable
// ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
// Transfer Descriptor
typedef struct EhciTD
volatile u32 link;
volatile u32 altLink;
volatile u32 token;
volatile u32 buffer[5];
volatile u32 extBuffer[5];
// internal fields
u32 tdNext;
u32 active;
u8 pad[4 + (128-0x40)];
} EhciTD;
// TD Link Pointer
#define PTR_TERMINATE (1 << 0)
#define PTR_TYPE_MASK (3 << 1)
#define PTR_ITD (0 << 1)
#define PTR_QH (1 << 1)
#define PTR_SITD (2 << 1)
#define PTR_FSTN (3 << 1)
// TD Token
#define TD_TOK_PING (1 << 0) // Ping State
#define TD_TOK_STS (1 << 1) // Split Transaction State
#define TD_TOK_MMF (1 << 2) // Missed Micro-Frame
#define TD_TOK_XACT (1 << 3) // Transaction Error
#define TD_TOK_BABBLE (1 << 4) // Babble Detected
#define TD_TOK_DATABUFFER (1 << 5) // Data Buffer Error
#define TD_TOK_HALTED (1 << 6) // Halted
#define TD_TOK_ACTIVE (1 << 7) // Active
#define TD_TOK_PID_MASK (3 << 8) // PID Code
#define TD_TOK_PID_SHIFT 8
#define TD_TOK_CERR_MASK (3 << 10) // Error Counter
#define TD_TOK_CERR_SHIFT 10
#define TD_TOK_C_PAGE_MASK (7 << 12) // Current Page
#define TD_TOK_C_PAGE_SHIFT 12
#define TD_TOK_IOC (1 << 15) // Interrupt on Complete
#define TD_TOK_LEN_MASK 0x7fff0000 // Total Bytes to Transfer
#define TD_TOK_LEN_SHIFT 16
#define TD_TOK_D (1 << 31) // Data Toggle
#define TD_TOK_D_SHIFT 31
#define USB_PACKET_OUT 0 // token 0xe1
#define USB_PACKET_IN 1 // token 0x69
#define USB_PACKET_SETUP 2 // token 0x2d
// ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
// Queue Head
typedef struct EhciQH
u32 qhlp; // Queue Head Horizontal Link Pointer
u32 ch; // Endpoint Characteristics
u32 caps; // Endpoint Capabilities
volatile u32 curLink;
// matches a transfer descriptor
volatile u32 nextLink;
volatile u32 altLink;
volatile u32 token;
volatile u32 buffer[5];
volatile u32 extBuffer[5];
// internal fields
UsbTransfer *transfer;
Link qhLink;
u32 tdHead;
u32 active;
u8 pad[40];
} EhciQH;
// Endpoint Characteristics
#define QH_CH_DEVADDR_MASK 0x0000007f // Device Address
#define QH_CH_INACTIVE 0x00000080 // Inactive on Next Transaction
#define QH_CH_ENDP_MASK 0x00000f00 // Endpoint Number
#define QH_CH_ENDP_SHIFT 8
#define QH_CH_EPS_MASK 0x00003000 // Endpoint Speed
#define QH_CH_EPS_SHIFT 12
#define QH_CH_DTC 0x00004000 // Data Toggle Control
#define QH_CH_H 0x00008000 // Head of Reclamation List Flag
#define QH_CH_MPL_MASK 0x07ff0000 // Maximum Packet Length
#define QH_CH_MPL_SHIFT 16
#define QH_CH_CONTROL 0x08000000 // Control Endpoint Flag
#define QH_CH_NAK_RL_MASK 0xf0000000 // Nak Count Reload
#define QH_CH_NAK_RL_SHIFT 28
// Endpoint Capabilities
#define QH_CAP_INT_SCHED_MASK 0x000000ff // Interrupt Schedule Mask
#define QH_CAP_SPLIT_C_MASK 0x0000ff00 // Split Completion Mask
#define QH_CAP_HUB_ADDR_MASK 0x007f0000 // Hub Address
#define QH_CAP_PORT_MASK 0x3f800000 // Port Number
#define QH_CAP_PORT_SHIFT 23
#define QH_CAP_MULT_MASK 0xc0000000 // High-Bandwidth Pipe Multiplier
#define QH_CAP_MULT_SHIFT 30
// ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
// Device
typedef struct EhciController
EhciCapRegs *capRegs;
EhciOpRegs *opRegs;
u32 *frameList;
EhciQH *qhPool;
EhciTD *tdPool;
EhciQH *asyncQH;
EhciQH *periodicQH;
} EhciController;
#if 0
// ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
static void EhciPrintTD(EhciTD *td)
kprintf("td=0x%08x\n", td);
kprintf(" link=0x%08x\n", td->link);
kprintf(" altLink=0x%08x\n", td->altLink);
kprintf(" token=0x%08x\n", td->token);
kprintf(" buffer=0x%08x\n", td->buffer[0]);
// ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
static void EhciPrintQH(EhciQH *qh)
kprintf("qh=0x%08x\n", qh);
kprintf(" qhlp=0x%08x\n", qh->qhlp);
kprintf(" ch=0x%08x\n", qh->ch);
kprintf(" caps=0x%08x\n", qh->caps);
kprintf(" curLink=0x%08x\n", qh->curLink);
kprintf(" nextLink=0x%08x\n", qh->nextLink);
kprintf(" altLink=0x%08x\n", qh->altLink);
kprintf(" token=0x%08x\n", qh->token);
kprintf(" buffer=0x%08x\n", qh->buffer[0]);
kprintf(" qhPrev=0x%08x\n", qh->qhPrev);
kprintf(" qhNext=0x%08x\n", qh->qhNext);
// ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
static EhciTD *EhciAllocTD(EhciController *hc)
// TODO - better memory management
EhciTD *end = hc->tdPool + MAX_TD;
for (EhciTD *td = hc->tdPool; td != end; ++td)
if (!td->active)
//kprintf("EhciAllocTD 0x%08x\n", td);
td->active = 1;
return td;
kprintf("EhciAllocTD failed\n");
return 0;
// ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
static EhciQH *EhciAllocQH(EhciController *hc)
// TODO - better memory management
EhciQH *end = hc->qhPool + MAX_QH;
for (EhciQH *qh = hc->qhPool; qh != end; ++qh)
if (!qh->active)
//kprintf("EhciAllocQH 0x%08x\n", qh);
qh->active = 1;
return qh;
kprintf("EhciAllocQH failed\n");
return 0;
// ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
static void EhciFreeTD(EhciTD *td)
//kprintf("EhciFreeTD 0x%08x\n", td);
td->active = 0;
// ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
static void EhciFreeQH(EhciQH *qh)
//kprintf("EhciFreeQH 0x%08x\n", qh);
qh->active = 0;
// ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
static void EhciInsertAsyncQH(EhciQH *list, EhciQH *qh)
EhciQH *end = LinkData(list->qhLink.prev, EhciQH, qhLink);
qh->qhlp = (u32)(uintptr_t)list | PTR_QH;
end->qhlp = (u32)(uintptr_t)qh | PTR_QH;
LinkBefore(&list->qhLink, &qh->qhLink);
// ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
static void EhciInsertPeriodicQH(EhciQH *list, EhciQH *qh)
EhciQH *end = LinkData(list->qhLink.prev, EhciQH, qhLink);
qh->qhlp = PTR_TERMINATE;
end->qhlp = (u32)(uintptr_t)qh | PTR_QH;
LinkBefore(&list->qhLink, &qh->qhLink);
// ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
static void EhciRemoveQH(EhciQH *qh)
EhciQH *prev = LinkData(qh->qhLink.prev, EhciQH, qhLink);
prev->qhlp = qh->qhlp;
// ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
static void EhciPortSet(volatile u32 *portReg, u32 data)
u32 status = *portReg;
status |= data;
status &= ~PORT_RWC;
*portReg = status;
// ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
static void EhciPortClr(volatile u32 *portReg, u32 data)
u32 status = *portReg;
status &= ~PORT_RWC;
status &= ~data;
status |= PORT_RWC & data;
*portReg = status;
// ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
static void EhciInitTD(EhciTD *td, EhciTD *prev,
uint toggle, uint packetType,
uint len, const void *data)
if (prev)
prev->link = (u32)(uintptr_t)td;
prev->tdNext = (u32)(uintptr_t)td;
td->link = PTR_TERMINATE;
td->altLink = PTR_TERMINATE;
td->tdNext = 0;
td->token =
(toggle << TD_TOK_D_SHIFT) |
(len << TD_TOK_LEN_SHIFT) |
(packetType << TD_TOK_PID_SHIFT) |
// Data buffer (not necessarily page aligned)
uintptr_t p = (uintptr_t)data;
td->buffer[0] = (u32)p;
td->extBuffer[0] = (u32)(p >> 32);
p &= ~0xfff;
// Remaining pages of buffer memory.
for (uint i = 1; i < 4; ++i)
p += 0x1000;
td->buffer[i] = (u32)(p);
td->extBuffer[i] = (u32)(p >> 32);
// ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
static void EhciInitQH(EhciQH *qh, UsbTransfer *t, EhciTD *td, UsbDevice *parent, bool interrupt, uint speed, uint addr, uint endp, uint maxSize)
qh->transfer = t;
uint ch =
(maxSize << QH_CH_MPL_SHIFT) |
(speed << QH_CH_EPS_SHIFT) |
(endp << QH_CH_ENDP_SHIFT) |
uint caps =
if (!interrupt)
ch |= 5 << QH_CH_NAK_RL_SHIFT;
if (speed != USB_HIGH_SPEED && parent)
if (interrupt)
// split completion mask - complete on frames 2, 3, or 4
caps |= (0x1c << QH_CAP_SPLIT_C_SHIFT);
caps |=
(parent->port << QH_CAP_PORT_SHIFT) |
(parent->addr << QH_CAP_HUB_ADDR_SHIFT);
if (interrupt)
// interrupt schedule mask - start on frame 0
caps |= (0x01 << QH_CAP_INT_SCHED_SHIFT);
qh->ch = ch;
qh->caps = caps;
qh->tdHead = (u32)td;
qh->nextLink = (u32)td;
qh->token = 0;
// ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
static void EhciProcessQH(EhciController *hc, EhciQH *qh)
UsbTransfer *t = qh->transfer;
kprintf("%x", hc->opRegs->usbSts);
if (qh->token & TD_TOK_HALTED)
t->success = false;
t->complete = true;
else if (qh->nextLink & PTR_TERMINATE)
if (~qh->token & TD_TOK_ACTIVE)
if (qh->token & TD_TOK_DATABUFFER)
kprintf(" Data Buffer Error\n");
if (qh->token & TD_TOK_BABBLE)
kprintf(" Babble Detected\n");
if (qh->token & TD_TOK_XACT)
kprintf(" Transaction Error\n");
if (qh->token & TD_TOK_MMF)
kprintf(" Missed Micro-Frame\n");
t->success = true;
t->complete = true;
if (t->complete)
// Clear transfer from queue
qh->transfer = 0;
// Update endpoint toggle state
if (t->success && t->endp)
t->endp->toggle ^= 1;
// Remove queue from schedule
// Free transfer descriptors
EhciTD *td = (EhciTD *)(uintptr_t)qh->tdHead;
while (td)
EhciTD *next = (EhciTD *)(uintptr_t)td->tdNext;
td = next;
// Free queue head
// ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
static void EhciWaitForQH(EhciController *hc, EhciQH *qh)
UsbTransfer *t = qh->transfer;
while (!t->complete)
EhciProcessQH(hc, qh);
// ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
static uint EhciResetPort(EhciController *hc, uint port)
volatile u32 *reg = &hc->opRegs->ports[port];
// Reset the port
EhciPortSet(reg, PORT_RESET);
EhciPortClr(reg, PORT_RESET);
// Wait 100ms for port to enable (TODO - what is appropriate length of time?)
uint status = 0;
for (uint i = 0; i < 10; ++i)
// Delay
// Get current status
status = *reg;
// Check if device is attached to port
if (~status & PORT_CONNECTION)
// Acknowledge change in status
// Check if device is enabled
if (status & PORT_ENABLE)
return status;
// ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
static void EhciDevControl(UsbDevice *dev, UsbTransfer *t)
EhciController *hc = (EhciController *)dev->hc;
UsbDevReq *req = t->req;
// Determine transfer properties
uint speed = dev->speed;
uint addr = dev->addr;
uint maxSize = dev->maxPacketSize;
uint type = req->type;
uint len = req->len;
// Create queue of transfer descriptors
EhciTD *td = EhciAllocTD(hc);
if (!td)
EhciTD *head = td;
EhciTD *prev = 0;
// Setup packet
uint toggle = 0;
uint packetType = USB_PACKET_SETUP;
uint packetSize = sizeof(UsbDevReq);
EhciInitTD(td, prev, toggle, packetType, packetSize, req);
prev = td;
// Data in/out packets
u8 *it = (u8 *)t->data;
u8 *end = it + len;
while (it < end)
td = EhciAllocTD(hc);
if (!td)
toggle ^= 1;
packetSize = end - it;
if (packetSize > maxSize)
packetSize = maxSize;
EhciInitTD(td, prev, toggle, packetType, packetSize, it);
it += packetSize;
prev = td;
// Status packet
td = EhciAllocTD(hc);
if (!td)
toggle = 1;
EhciInitTD(td, prev, toggle, packetType, 0, 0);
// Initialize queue head
EhciQH *qh = EhciAllocQH(hc);
EhciInitQH(qh, t, head, dev->parent, false, speed, addr, 0, maxSize);
// Wait until queue has been processed
EhciInsertAsyncQH(hc->asyncQH, qh);
EhciWaitForQH(hc, qh);
// ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
static void EhciDevIntr(UsbDevice *dev, UsbTransfer *t)
EhciController *hc = (EhciController *)dev->hc;
// Determine transfer properties
uint speed = dev->speed;
uint addr = dev->addr;
uint maxSize = dev->maxPacketSize;
uint endp = t->endp->desc->addr & 0xf;
// Create queue of transfer descriptors
EhciTD *td = EhciAllocTD(hc);
if (!td)
t->success = false;
t->complete = true;
EhciTD *head = td;
EhciTD *prev = 0;
// Data in/out packets
uint toggle = t->endp->toggle;
uint packetType = USB_PACKET_IN;
uint packetSize = t->len;
EhciInitTD(td, prev, toggle, packetType, packetSize, t->data);
// Initialize queue head
EhciQH *qh = EhciAllocQH(hc);
EhciInitQH(qh, t, head, dev->parent, true, speed, addr, endp, maxSize);
// Schedule queue
EhciInsertPeriodicQH(hc->periodicQH, qh);
// ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
static void EhciProbe(EhciController *hc)
// Port setup
uint portCount = hc->capRegs->hcsParams & HCSPARAMS_N_PORTS_MASK;
for (uint port = 0; port < portCount; ++port)
// Reset port
uint status = EhciResetPort(hc, port);
kprintf("%x", status);
if (status & PORT_ENABLE)
uint speed = USB_HIGH_SPEED;
UsbDevice *dev = UsbDevCreate();
if (dev)
dev->parent = 0;
dev->hc = hc;
dev->port = port;
dev->speed = speed;
dev->maxPacketSize = 8;
dev->hcControl = EhciDevControl;
dev->hcIntr = EhciDevIntr;
if (!UsbDevInit(dev))
// TODO - cleanup
// ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
static void EhciControllerPollList(EhciController *hc, Link *list)
EhciQH *qh;
EhciQH *next;
ListForEachSafe(qh, next, *list, qhLink)
if (qh->transfer)
EhciProcessQH(hc, qh);
// ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
static void EhciControllerPoll(UsbController *controller)
EhciController *hc = (EhciController *)controller->hc;
EhciControllerPollList(hc, &hc->asyncQH->qhLink);
EhciControllerPollList(hc, &hc->periodicQH->qhLink);
// ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
void _ehci_init(uint id, PciDeviceInfo *info)
if (!(((info->classCode << 8) | info->subclass) == PCI_SERIAL_USB &&
info->progIntf == PCI_SERIAL_USB_EHCI))
if (sizeof(EhciQH) != 128)
kprintf("Unexpected EhciQH size: %d\n", sizeof(EhciQH));
kprintf("Initializing EHCI\n");
// Base I/O Address
PciBar bar;
PciGetBar(&bar, id, 0);
if (bar.flags & PCI_BAR_IO)
// Only Memory Mapped I/O supported
// Controller initialization
EhciController *hc = VMAlloc(sizeof(EhciController));
hc->capRegs = (EhciCapRegs *)(uintptr_t)bar.u.address;
hc->opRegs = (EhciOpRegs *)(uintptr_t)(bar.u.address + hc->capRegs->capLength);
hc->frameList = (u32 *)VMAlloc(1024 * sizeof(u32) + 8192*4);
hc->frameList = (((uint)hc->frameList) / 16384) * 16384 + 16384;
hc->qhPool = (EhciQH *)VMAlloc(sizeof(EhciQH) * MAX_QH + 8192*4);
hc->tdPool = (EhciTD *)VMAlloc(sizeof(EhciTD) * MAX_TD + 8192*4);
hc->qhPool = (((uint)hc->qhPool) / 16384) * 16384 + 16384;
hc->tdPool = (((uint)hc->tdPool) / 16384) * 16384 + 16384;
// Asynchronous queue setup
EhciQH *qh = EhciAllocQH(hc);
qh->qhlp = (u32)(uintptr_t)qh | PTR_QH;
qh->ch = QH_CH_H;
qh->caps = 0;
qh->curLink = 0;
qh->nextLink = PTR_TERMINATE;
qh->altLink = 0;
qh->token = 0;
for (uint i = 0; i < 5; ++i)
qh->buffer[i] = 0;
qh->extBuffer[i] = 0;
qh->transfer = 0;
qh->qhLink.prev = &qh->qhLink;
qh->qhLink.next = &qh->qhLink;
hc->asyncQH = qh;
// Periodic list queue setup
qh = EhciAllocQH(hc);
qh->qhlp = PTR_TERMINATE;
qh->ch = 0;
qh->caps = 0;
qh->curLink = 0;
qh->nextLink = PTR_TERMINATE;
qh->altLink = 0;
qh->token = 0;
for (uint i = 0; i < 5; ++i)
qh->buffer[i] = 0;
qh->extBuffer[i] = 0;
qh->transfer = 0;
qh->qhLink.prev = &qh->qhLink;
qh->qhLink.next = &qh->qhLink;
hc->periodicQH = qh;
for (uint i = 0; i < 1024; ++i)
hc->frameList[i] = PTR_QH | (u32)(uintptr_t)qh;
// Check extended capabilities
uint eecp = (hc->capRegs->hccParams & HCCPARAMS_EECP_MASK) >> HCCPARAMS_EECP_SHIFT;
if (eecp >= 0x40)
// Disable BIOS legacy support
uint legsup = PciRead32(id, eecp + USBLEGSUP);
if (legsup & USBLEGSUP_HC_BIOS)
PciWrite32(id, eecp + USBLEGSUP, legsup | USBLEGSUP_HC_OS);
for (;;)
legsup = PciRead32(id, eecp + USBLEGSUP);
if (~legsup & USBLEGSUP_HC_BIOS && legsup & USBLEGSUP_HC_OS)
// Disable interrupts
hc->opRegs->usbIntr = 0;
// Setup frame list
hc->opRegs->frameIndex = 0;
hc->opRegs->periodicListBase = (u32)(uintptr_t)hc->frameList;
hc->opRegs->asyncListAddr = (u32)(uintptr_t)hc->asyncQH;
hc->opRegs->ctrlDsSegment = 0;
// Clear status
hc->opRegs->usbSts = ~0;
// Enable controller
hc->opRegs->usbCmd = (8 << CMD_ITC_SHIFT) | CMD_PSE | CMD_ASE | CMD_RS;
while (hc->opRegs->usbSts & STS_HCHALTED) // TODO - remove after dynamic port detection
// Configure all devices to be managed by the EHCI
hc->opRegs->configFlag = 1;
PitWait(5); // TODO - remove after dynamic port detection
// Probe devices
// Register controller
UsbController *controller = (UsbController *)VMAlloc(sizeof(UsbController));
controller->next = g_usbControllerList;
controller->hc = hc;
controller->poll = EhciControllerPoll;
g_usbControllerList = controller;