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Cannot set external LCD as primary

Posted: Sun May 27, 2018 9:40 pm
by Arpanoid

I'm running something (actually, my own MBR with a couple of lines of test code in it) on my old HP Compaq nx7300. And I'm trying to use an external LCD display connected through the VGA port. The problem is that nothing is displayed on the external display (just "No Signal"). When running windows on this laptop everything works fine - both screens (the native one and the external) work.

I've tried to check the BIOS setup to see if the primary display could be set there but found nothing of this kind.

So, the question is what to do in order to everything was displayed on the external display too by default? Or, maybe, I could do something simple in my code (like a call to a BIOS function)?

Thank you.

Re: Cannot set external LCD as primary

Posted: Sun May 27, 2018 10:13 pm
by Sik
It's likely relying on custom drivers that talk to the hardware directly.

"Works on Windows" doesn't mean much since practically all vendors make drivers for Windows. Linux often supports external displays, so if you're lucky you may find source code for the relevant driver that works and see what it does (but it may also work only with closed drivers, in which case you're stuck again).

Re: Cannot set external LCD as primary

Posted: Mon May 28, 2018 8:24 pm
by Arpanoid
Well, sounds not much encouraging :( However, I'll try the approach you've suggested.

Thank you!