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how to get time for text based os using RTC or else?

Posted: Tue Apr 24, 2018 10:44 pm
by vishdrck
Hello guys I'm very new to and os developing.I'm busy with building a small text based os and now I was stuck in showing time on my os's screen.I tried RTC interrupts but only I can get time and date without updating seconds in real time seconds.So please anybody help me to update my time in seconds when I showing time in my own os. [-o< [-o<

Code: Select all

#define CURRENT_YEAR        2018                            // Change this each year!
int century_register = 0x00;
unsigned char second;
unsigned char minute;
unsigned char hour;
unsigned char day;
unsigned char month;
unsigned int year;

enum {
      cmos_address = 0x70,
      cmos_data    = 0x71
int get_update_in_progress_flag() {
      outportb(cmos_address, 0x0A);
      return (inportb(cmos_data) & 0x80);

unsigned char get_RTC_register(int reg) {
      outportb(cmos_address, reg);
      return inportb(cmos_data);

void read_rtc() {

    unsigned char century;
    unsigned char last_second;
    unsigned char last_minute;
    unsigned char last_hour;
    unsigned char last_day;
    unsigned char last_month;
    unsigned char last_year;
    unsigned char last_century;
    unsigned char registerB;

      // Note: This uses the "read registers until you get the same values twice in a row" technique
      //       to avoid getting dodgy/inconsistent values due to RTC updates

      while (get_update_in_progress_flag());                // Make sure an update isn't in progress
      second = get_RTC_register(0x00);
      minute = get_RTC_register(0x02);
      hour = get_RTC_register(0x04);
      day = get_RTC_register(0x07);
      month = get_RTC_register(0x08);
      year = get_RTC_register(0x09);
      if(century_register != 0) {
            century = get_RTC_register(century_register);

      do {
            last_second =second;
            last_minute = minute;
            last_hour =hour;
            last_day = day;
            last_month = month;
            last_year = year;
            last_century = century;

            while (get_update_in_progress_flag());           // Make sure an update isn't in progress
            second = get_RTC_register(0x00);
            minute = get_RTC_register(0x02);
            hour = get_RTC_register(0x04);
            day = get_RTC_register(0x07);
            month = get_RTC_register(0x08);
            year = get_RTC_register(0x09);
            if(century_register != 0) {
                  century = get_RTC_register(century_register);
      } while( (last_second !=second) || (last_minute != minute) || (last_hour !=hour) ||
               (last_day != day) || (last_month != month) || (last_year != year) ||
               (last_century != century) );

      registerB = get_RTC_register(0x0B);

      // Convert BCD to binary values if necessary

      if (!(registerB & 0x04)) {
            second = (second & 0x0F) + ((second / 16) * 10);
            minute = (minute & 0x0F) + ((minute / 16) * 10);
            hour = ( (hour & 0x0F) + (((hour & 0x70) / 16) * 10) ) | (hour & 0x80);
            day = (day & 0x0F) + ((day / 16) * 10);
            month = (.month & 0x0F) + ((month / 16) * 10);
            year = (year & 0x0F) + ((year / 16) * 10);
            if(century_register != 0) {
                  century = (century & 0x0F) + ((century / 16) * 10);

      // Convert 12 hour clock to 24 hour clock if necessary

      if (!(registerB & 0x02) && (hour & 0x80)) {
            hour = ((hour & 0x7F) + 12) % 24;

      // Calculate the full (4-digit) year

      if(century_register != 0) {
           year += century * 100;
      } else {
            year += (CURRENT_YEAR / 100) * 100;
            if(year < CURRENT_YEAR) year += 100;



Re: how to get time for text based os using RTC or else?

Posted: Wed Apr 25, 2018 6:20 am
by sebihepp
I solved this by using the RTC to generate an interrupt every second, where I then add one to the seconds.

Re: how to get time for text based os using RTC or else?

Posted: Wed Apr 25, 2018 8:21 am
by vishdrck
Thanks a lot for replying me sebihepp. There is a little problem when I'm printing the time in screen. when I try to print the time ,the printed time does not update by seconds. I cant imagine where is the problem.
This is the code I used to print digits.

Code: Select all

uint16 *textmemptr;

void putch(char c)
  uint16 *where;
  uint16 att = attrib << 8;

  /* Handle a backspace, by moving the cursor back one space */
  if(c == 0x08)
      if(csr_x != 0) csr_x--;
  /* Handles a tab by incrementing the cursor's x, but only
  *  to a point that will make it divisible by 8 */
  else if(c == 0x09)
      csr_x = (csr_x + 8) & ~(8 - 1);
  /* Handles a 'Carriage Return', which simply brings the
  *  cursor back to the margin */
  else if(c == '\r')
      csr_x = 0;
  /* We handle our newlines the way DOS and the BIOS do: we
  *  treat it as if a 'CR' was also there, so we bring the
  *  cursor to the margin and we increment the 'y' value */
  else if(c == '\n')
      csr_x = 0;
  /* Any character greater than and including a space, is a
  *  printable character. The equation for finding the index
  *  in a linear chunk of memory can be represented by:
  *  Index = [(y * width) + x] */
  else if(c >= ' ')
      where = textmemptr + (csr_y * 80 + csr_x);
      *where = c | att;	/* Character AND attributes: color */

  /* If the cursor has reached the edge of the screen's width, we
  *  insert a new line in there */
  if(csr_x >= 80)
      csr_x = 0;

  /* Scroll the screen if needed, and finally move the cursor */

void print_digit(int num)
    textmemptr = (uint16*) 0xb8000;
    int index = 1;
    char str[80] = "";
while ( num > 0 )
    str[index]= '0'+ num%10;
    num = num/10;
while ( index > 0 )

Please correct me if I wrong because I'm very new to osdev. [-o< [-o<

Re: how to get time for text based os using RTC or else?

Posted: Wed Apr 25, 2018 10:23 am
by MichaelPetch
Could be a problem outside the code you are showing. Do you have your project on github or some other similar inline service that can share your code?

Re: how to get time for text based os using RTC or else?

Posted: Wed Apr 25, 2018 10:41 am
by vishdrck
Yeah I uploaded kernel into github. ... ter/kernel
I don't know whats wrong with my code. help me please [-o< [-o< [-o<

Re: how to get time for text based os using RTC or else?

Posted: Wed Apr 25, 2018 2:30 pm
by MichaelPetch
Looking at your github code where do you actually attempt to print the number of seconds? I see a read_rtc function but no call is made to it that I can find. Your current interrupt handler prints a message every 3 seconds. Since reading the real time clock is a costly task (time wise) you normally wouldn't call read_rtc repeatedly. You can, but performance will suffer. Have you at least tried calling read_rtc from your timer interrupt to see what happens?

You'd usually call read_rtc early on in kernel initialization to set the starting timer tick count, and then update the timer tick every time a timer tick occurred. If you want to print out the time you'd create a routine that takes the number of timer ticks and convert the number of ticks back into years/months/day/hours/minutes/seconds etc to be used for display purposes.

Re: how to get time for text based os using RTC or else?

Posted: Wed Apr 25, 2018 9:17 pm
by vishdrck
Hi MichaelPetch. Yes tried couple of times to print the time. I called read_rtc() in k_main() function. let me show when prints the time.
This is my main kernel function and I initialize my functions here. ... l/k_main.c

Code: Select all

void k_main(void)
 cls();             //clear the screen with blank spaces before use
    upper_line(0,9); //Line at the top
   read_rtc(); // initializing and print the current time.


print_xy_clr("&&&&&&$                &&&&&&&         &&&&&&&&&\n"
             "&&     &&             &&       &&     &&\n"
             "&&       &          &&          &&   &&\n"
             "&&     &&           &&          &&    &&\n"
             "&&&&&&&             &&          &&     &&&&&&&&&\n"
             "&&         &&&&&&   &&          &&              &&\n"
             "&&                  &&          &&               &&\n"
             "&&                    &&       &&               &&\n"
             "&&                      &&&&&&&         &&&&&&&& \n",15,7,15,0);


    upper_line(11,9); //Line at the bottom


This piece of code let me to print time.I put this code into time.c file.

Code: Select all

print("\n Current CPU time is - ");
print_digit(second); ... iles/1.png ... iles/2.png ... iles/3.png

I have updated github also. ... ter/kernel
As my opinion I think I need to make a function like refresh() or similar one for update printed text (exactly printed time). I found read_rtc() returns cpu time regularly but my problem is printed text does not update regularly. It just like I ask for time and os print only requested time.. please give me any advice to solve this.
However thank you MichaelPetch for paying your valuable time.. [-o< [-o<

Re: how to get time for text based os using RTC or else?

Posted: Wed Apr 25, 2018 10:23 pm
by MichaelPetch
I may be misunderstanding.Is the problem that the time in the virtual machine doesn't match the host machine time? I'm confused. I think there is a bit of a language barrier and I'm not understanding what the problem is. The code you put on Github with the changes doesn't update the time at all. It displays it once when the OS starts and that is it. You don't have a call to read_rtc in timer_handler so I don't see how you expect the time on screen to change

Re: how to get time for text based os using RTC or else?

Posted: Wed Apr 25, 2018 11:15 pm
by vishdrck
MichaelPetch wrote: The code you put on Github with the changes doesn't update the time at all. It displays it once when the OS starts and that is it.
That is the problem I have. It displays the time once when the os starts.
As a example:
My Windows 10 time is 10:30:57 a.m
I started my virtual machine to load my own os in that time (10:30:57 a.m)
It prints the time as "Current CPU time is - 10:30:57" .I want use it as a clock. So should I need another way to do it?
I hope this :
"Current CPU time is - 10:30:57"
10:31:02 etc. Just like a digital clock. ... /giphy.gif
This is the point that I can't solve.It prints the time -> Ok.
But it does not act as a clock.
[-o< [-o< [-o<
If can please be kind enough to tell me some resources to observe about how to build kernel clock?

Sorry about my english grammar.. :cry: :cry:

Re: how to get time for text based os using RTC or else?

Posted: Thu Apr 26, 2018 10:54 am
by sebihepp
Just to be sure: You call the print function in a loop or in a process/task, right?
Otherwise you just have printed the time once. Video memory does not update itself - you have no connection to your time variable, just the value will be copied.

Re: how to get time for text based os using RTC or else?

Posted: Thu Apr 26, 2018 11:03 am
by vishdrck
Oh thanks sebihepp . I found the fault as you said and I got the idea. Thank you so much sebihepp and MichaelPetch :lol: :lol:

Re: how to get time for text based os using RTC or else?

Posted: Thu Apr 26, 2018 12:00 pm
by MichaelPetch
Just an observation (not related to your question), but you sure your cls function is correct? You don't seem to initialize textmemptr to 0xb8000. I noticed when I compiled your code my screen didn't actually clear before you updated it with text.

Re: how to get time for text based os using RTC or else?

Posted: Fri Apr 27, 2018 12:38 am
by vishdrck
MichaelPetch...It works to me without any problem. When I only write to print a text "hello" and run it,os prints "hello" to the screen and next I write cls() it clears the screen. Let me inform you and give me a little time to check it. I need to put keyboard controller to the os and then I can find cls() works or not.
However thank you so much!

Code: Select all

//First time
//I got a printed text "hello"

Code: Select all

//Second time
//I got empty black screen

Re: how to get time for text based os using RTC or else?

Posted: Fri Apr 27, 2018 7:39 am
by vishdrck
I added a textmemptr = (uint16 *)0xB8000 to the cls(). I think now it is ok. Am I right MichaelPetch ??

Code: Select all

void cls()
  /* Fill screen with blank spaces (with current attribute) 
 attribute stands for current forecolor and backcolor so it fills the screen with current backcolor and no forecolor bcs of blank spaces

	uint16 blank = 0x20 | (attrib << 8);

  textmemptr = (uint16 *) 0xB8000;

  memsetw ( ( uint16 *) textmemptr, blank, 80 * 25);
