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Post by Pype.Clicker »

Hi Everyone. I've been reading some document about the exFAT filesystem lately, and I have been surprised to see how much it diverges from the original FAT design while still being claimed FAT. Like, the FAT is no longer used to know which clusters are free (this is the job of the Allocation Bitmap, instead) and files might no longer use the FAT at all (when they aren't fragmented).

Anyone of you has already dug into that ?
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Re: exFAT

Post by Brendan »

Hi (and welcome back!),
Pype.Clicker wrote:Hi Everyone. I've been reading some document about the exFAT filesystem lately, and I have been surprised to see how much it diverges from the original FAT design while still being claimed FAT. Like, the FAT is no longer used to know which clusters are free (this is the job of the Allocation Bitmap, instead) and files might no longer use the FAT at all (when they aren't fragmented).

Anyone of you has already dug into that ?
A while ago I took an extremely brief glance, noticed that it's a hornet's nest of patent licencing and associated fees, then never dared look at anything slightly related to exFAT since. ;)


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