Issue with ATA IDENTIFY command on QEMU
Posted: Sat Sep 02, 2017 8:08 pm
Hello all,
I've been working on a basic ATA driver, but I'm running into a strange problem when I try to issue the command IDENTIFY (ECh) to a drive:
On the primary bus (IO ports xFx), there is no master or slave drive, as status returns 00h after IDENTIFY command on both. On the secondary bus (IO x7x), the slave drive has the same behavior, but the master returns 41h (10000001b).
If I'm not mistaken, this means the busy and error bits are both set after issuing the command. Is this a problem with QEMU (v 0.9.0 under Windows (I know)), or am I doing something wrong with my code?
I'm booting off of an CD-ROM ISO, and I'm zero-ing both bus's control registers before attempting anything. I also check that the secondary returns old CHS values written to its registers.
My Sources
I've been working on a basic ATA driver, but I'm running into a strange problem when I try to issue the command IDENTIFY (ECh) to a drive:
Code: Select all
mov dx, 0x3f6 ;clear both control registers
xor al, al
out dx, al
mov dx, 0x376
out dx, al
mov dx, 0x177 ;now we need to check if there even are any drives
in al, dx
cmp al, 0xff ;if status is all ones, there is no drive at all
je ata_err
;now we need to check that we at least /have/ a responsive drive
mov dx, 0x172
mov al, 0x72
out dx, al
inc dx
mov al, 0x73
out dx, al
inc dx
mov al, 0xfa ;just a random value
out dx, al
mov dx, 0x172
in al, dx
cmp al, 0x72
jne stop_it ;this means we have no responsive drives
mov dx, 0x176 ;drive select register
mov al, 0xa0 ;master drive
out dx, al
mov dx, 0x177 ;now send IDENTIFY (0xec) to command reg
mov al, 0xec
out dx, al
in al, dx ;immediately read status after command
call fnc_print_hex ;print human-readable contents of al
cmp al, 0x00 ;if status is zero after IDENTIFY command, drive doesn't exist
je ata_err
If I'm not mistaken, this means the busy and error bits are both set after issuing the command. Is this a problem with QEMU (v 0.9.0 under Windows (I know)), or am I doing something wrong with my code?
I'm booting off of an CD-ROM ISO, and I'm zero-ing both bus's control registers before attempting anything. I also check that the secondary returns old CHS values written to its registers.
My Sources