Geri wrote:LtG wrote:Since when does Windows send your keys to MS? Any proof? ... yption-key
Microsoft automatically encrypts your new Windows device and stores the Windows 10 Device Encryption Key on OneDrive, when you sign in using your Microsoft Account
That's an improvement over previous state. Previously most "home users" didn't encrypt at all, if encryption is used by default (at least initially) I think it's a good idea to cover MS's back by having the ability to recover the keys.
Most companies have similar internal policy where the security department can recover employee laptops, for same reason.
If I were MS I wouldn't dare enable encryption on unsuspecting users by default without some form of actually functional recovery, and given that users don't even do proper backups, I'd probably follow similar/same path as they did.
The only problem I see is that they don't offer the home edition to do encryption without uploading the key. Though IIRC the Win8 home edition doesn't support encryption at all, so again at least there's some improvement there too. Of course it would be better if they offered encryption to all editions freely and gave all users the choice whether or not they want the key sent to MS.
Bottom line, I don't have much of a problem with what MS did, they improved security and those that care more about security (like me) can have it. Though I don't and am not planning to use bitlocker.
Geri wrote:
by the style of your question, i would say your attitude to security / privacy is questionable either by your naivity, or due to something else.
You're making a pretty massive assumption there, based on nothing factual.
Geri wrote:
in the first case, i must warn you: all of your encryption keys, passwords, login names, list of the all of the webpages you are visited, and the file list on your hard disk is copromised begining from three year ago. oh, by the way it also creates a picture from you at every boot, and sends it to microsoft. greetings in 1984.
All of _my_ keys are compromised three years ago?
Any proof of the encryption keys, passwords, etc..? Three years, what happened then? Is this some reference to Snowden? It would be more useful to be more explicit about what that three years refers to so I don't have to guess =)
I also asked specifically about TCP/IP, how that is related?
And my laptop has never taken a picture of me...