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Physical memory management help

Posted: Mon Jul 31, 2017 4:53 am
by Coconut9
After I made a code the gets the memory map from BIOS and cuts the memory blocks that the kernel will use and the blocks that the VGA uses, the code creates an array that have the following format:
1 DWORD memory address that the 4KB memory blocks start.
1 DWORD the count of 4KB memory blocks that are in that address one after another.

Αnd continues with that way. (the number of this entries is in the ecx register).

Now I want a way to store the memory blocks (for example with bitmap) but to not map some of them but all!
I cannot find any code that maps all the blocks.
Do someone knows a way to do that (an algorithm map all blocks)?

Re: Physical memory management help

Posted: Mon Jul 31, 2017 5:12 am
by alexfru
Write it? Checked the wiki? CPU documentation?