getting 2nd cluster No.
Posted: Tue Jun 27, 2017 12:35 pm
Jump starting my os design project this week after long pause. Took me a whole day to re-familiarize.
Looks like I need to take the mini-fat32 driver more seriously and need to come up with several api-s.
I am almost certain on this: to read the next (2nd cluster No.) after obtaining first one from boot sector of volume, you basically offset into by 1st cluster No and read the 4 bytes for fat32 right?
here is the pseudo plan for load file from fat32 volume:
Looks like I need to take the mini-fat32 driver more seriously and need to come up with several api-s.
I am almost certain on this: to read the next (2nd cluster No.) after obtaining first one from boot sector of volume, you basically offset into by 1st cluster No and read the 4 bytes for fat32 right?
here is the pseudo plan for load file from fat32 volume:
function load_file (in cluster_no_1st, in memDest)
----currCluster = cluster_no_1st
----start loop
--------read cluster currCluster into memDest
--------find next cluster No. (get it from fat32 table) - offset into curCluster in FAT and read the 4 bytes, that is your next cluster) -> nextCluster
--------currCluster = nextCluster
--------terminate and exit loop if currCluster is empty, bad or EOF.