Switch from graphics mode into text mode and vice versa wit→

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Switch from graphics mode into text mode and vice versa wit→

Post by EladAshkcenazi335 »

→hout BIOS interrupts ?
Restart any PC in the easy way around:

mov eax,cr0
xor al,1
mov cr0,eax
lidt [illegal_idtr]
jmp 0:$

; done:)
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Re: Switch from graphics mode into text mode and vice versa

Post by Brendan »

EladAshkcenazi335 wrote:→hout BIOS interrupts ?

It's relatively easy to emulate text mode while still using graphics mode, simply by drawing characters yourself. This avoids the need to switch modes (which may be impossible in some cases - e.g. UEFI), and avoids the overhead and "ugliness" (visible black flicker) caused by video mode switching.

It also allows you (initially, or in future improvements done as the OS grows) to:
  • Use a modern cursor (e.g. a modern "vertical bar" instead of an "antiquated block" cursor)
  • Support a much larger range of colours
  • Support different font sizes
  • Support different styles (bold, italic, underline, super-script, etc)
  • Support Unicode/internationalisation
  • Support emoji
  • Support anti-aliasing (to fix "jagged diagonal edges")
  • Use much more detailed (and much easier to read) characters (e.g. maybe a 16*24 font rather than an 8*16 font)
  • Support smooth scrolling properly
  • Add a vertical scroll bar the user can use (with mouse) to see all the stuff that scrolled off the top of the screen
  • Add a background image
  • Do anything else I forgot to mention
  • Recycle most of the existing code when you implement a GUI
  • Avoid giving end users the impression that you aren't good at writing software ;)


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