What you are probably asking, and is probably more likely the case, is that your machine, like most all machines now, no longer have floppy drives so you either have to write your work to a CDROM, the installed hard drive, or a USB flash drive to be able to boot it.
Writing to CDROM can be quite expensive since you may do it often, and can be a bit of work in itself. Writing to the hard-drive requires another operating system to be installed and running just to read from the external media where your OS is waiting to be installed, or requires this already loaded and running OS to be able to write to a partition of an existing hard-drive and be able to tell the system to boot that partition instead of the current one. Not a wise choice for the beginner.
Today, the easiest way is to write your OS (or test code) to a USB flash drive and boot the flash drive. Luckily, BIOS manufactures created a way to allow one to boot a USB flash drive/floppy drive/other media, still giving the "illusion" that it is a regular hard drive or floppy drive, allowing access via BIOS interrupt services.
Is this what you are wondering?
If so, there is a (somewhat) simple process that you can do to accomplish this.
1) You will need to format the USB media as either a floppy drive or a hard drive type image. To format it as a floppy drive will use the first 1.44meg and the remaining will be inaccessible via the BIOS services. You can format it as a hard drive image and use all of the capability as long as the BIOS supports the size of the media.
2) You need to write to the USB media as a disk image, overwriting everything that is on the media each time. However, if your Host OS allows you to mount the USB media and will give you access to it (*and* supports the file system you have installed on it), you can write to it with ease.
3) You will need to make your Test system boot from the USB by the settings within the CMOS startup. Tell it that you have a USB flash media as a hard drive image or a floppy image.
4) The test machine should now boot the USB media as the floppy or the hard drive.
5) Now you can access the USB media via BIOS Disk Read/Write services and as far as your code and the BIOS is concerned, it is an installed floppy/hard drive.
A few notes that you will need to know:
1) Some BIOSes will determine if the media is a floppy image or a hard drive image by the (lack of) MBR that is in LBA 0. There is no other way to tell the BIOS what size of media it is, except for this MBR at LBA 0. If no MBR exists, the BIOS will read the first sector expecting a BPB...
2) As stated in an earlier post, this only works in real mode, or via an x86 virtual mode. As soon as you move to protected mode, the BIOS services are no longer accessible.
3) As soon as you reset the USB controller (via your OS's USB driver), the BIOS will have no idea the state of the USB and can and may read and/or write to the wrong place on the media.
Does this help?