libtsm - Terminal-emulator State Machine

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libtsm - Terminal-emulator State Machine

Post by dchapiesky »

Has anyone made use of this as part of a vga console driver?
TSM is a state machine for DEC VT100-VT520 compatible terminal emulators. It tries to support all common standards while keeping compatibility to existing emulators like xterm, gnome-terminal, konsole, ..

TSM itself does not provide any rendering nor window management. It is a simple plain state machine without any external dependencies. It can be used to implement terminal emulators, but also to implement other applications that need to interpret terminal escape sequences. ... on/libtsm/

If I understand correctly, you attach it to render onto your VGA code and then bolt a stdout stream on it....

If you then had say, a curses application feeding stdout, then you get a text mode UI on your console.

I found an example in the OSV project and I am thinking I am going to do it.
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