TrapFlag ignored
Posted: Wed Jan 11, 2017 1:27 pm
I'm currently writing a gdb stub for 64bit to make debugging of my kernel easier on real hardware (Since some issues only occur on actual hardware, and not on a simulator).
The stub seems to work (I can read/write memory, registers and I can step through the code), except that stepping stops working at the moment I call a function in the code being debugged. I tried debugging my debugger through qemu, and it shows that indeed my interrupt handler is not being triggered anymore, while the TF flag is still set in the EFLAGS register.
My ISR assembly:
My c fault handler:
My gdb stub stepping code:
Am I making some obvious mistake, or does someone know how this can happen?
Any help is appreciated!
The stub seems to work (I can read/write memory, registers and I can step through the code), except that stepping stops working at the moment I call a function in the code being debugged. I tried debugging my debugger through qemu, and it shows that indeed my interrupt handler is not being triggered anymore, while the TF flag is still set in the EFLAGS register.
My ISR assembly:
Code: Select all
%macro isr 2
align 8
global _isr_%1
push 0
mov rdi, %2
mov rsi, rsp
call fault_handler
add rsp,8
section .text
extern fault_handler;
isr divide_error, 0
isr debug, 1
isr nmi_interrupt, 2
isr breakpoint, 3
Code: Select all
struct interrupt_state {
uint64_t r15,r14,r13,r12,r11,r10;
uint64_t r9,r8,rsi,rdi,rdx,rcx;
uint64_t rbx,rax,rbp,errorCode;
uint64_t rip, cs, rflags, rsp;
} __attribute__((packed));
void fault_handler(int num, struct interrupt_state* state) {
if(gdbDebugInitialized) {
gdbHandleException(num, state);
//Left out some code here since it will never be called while the stub is active
Code: Select all
void gdbHandleException(int num, struct interrupt_state* state) {
if(gdbInMemoryRoutine) {
gdbErrorOccurred = true;
int sigval = computeSignal(num);
//Left out all code starting the loop and reading packages since the debug packages themselves are being read correctly
case 's':
stepping = true;
case 'c':
/* try to read optional parameter, pc unchanged if no parm */
if (hexToInt (&ptr, &addr)) {
state->rip = addr;
/* clear the trace bit */
state->rflags &= 0xfffffeff;
/* set the trace bit if we're stepping */
//if (stepping) //Commented out so that we are always setting the flag after breakpoint (To see whether it still stops after each instruction)
state->rflags |= 0x100;
Any help is appreciated!