1, 2, 3, 4... questions
Posted: Mon Jul 11, 2005 11:00 pm
Im programing my own os, i have a little bite of code...
Its is in protected mode load with GRUB in a floppy with ext2 formated.
The kernel has ELF-MULTIBOOT format, etc...
Its programing with FREEPASCAL and NASM in linux.
The base load and works fine. I create all for star with coding.
I dont have anything that simply kwrite() procedures in 0xb8000
and detect memory base and extended.
I want start creating a unit: VESA.
I supose that i dont need change ables, etc... is it posible?
Where can i find code without interrupts because im in protected mode and i supose that i cant use interrupts (int x)???
Can the vesa procedures run in LCD displays?? (I work with one)
I need also procedures for get time, get date and set date without interrupts. Other thing whatis the code for reboot a PC??
The PC is a Intel.
Thank for your time!!!
Its is in protected mode load with GRUB in a floppy with ext2 formated.
The kernel has ELF-MULTIBOOT format, etc...
Its programing with FREEPASCAL and NASM in linux.
The base load and works fine. I create all for star with coding.
I dont have anything that simply kwrite() procedures in 0xb8000
and detect memory base and extended.
I want start creating a unit: VESA.
I supose that i dont need change ables, etc... is it posible?
Where can i find code without interrupts because im in protected mode and i supose that i cant use interrupts (int x)???
Can the vesa procedures run in LCD displays?? (I work with one)
I need also procedures for get time, get date and set date without interrupts. Other thing whatis the code for reboot a PC??
The PC is a Intel.
Thank for your time!!!