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1, 2, 3, 4... questions

Posted: Mon Jul 11, 2005 11:00 pm
by newage
Im programing my own os, i have a little bite of code...

Its is in protected mode load with GRUB in a floppy with ext2 formated.
The kernel has ELF-MULTIBOOT format, etc...
Its programing with FREEPASCAL and NASM in linux.

The base load and works fine. I create all for star with coding.
I dont have anything that simply kwrite() procedures in 0xb8000
and detect memory base and extended.

I want start creating a unit: VESA.
I supose that i dont need change ables, etc... is it posible?

Where can i find code without interrupts because im in protected mode and i supose that i cant use interrupts (int x)???

Can the vesa procedures run in LCD displays?? (I work with one)

I need also procedures for get time, get date and set date without interrupts. Other thing whatis the code for reboot a PC??

The PC is a Intel.
Thank for your time!!! :)

Re: 1, 2, 3, 4... questions

Posted: Tue Jul 12, 2005 11:00 pm
by earlz
"I want start creating a unit: VESA. "
umm do u mean svga, or vga or even ega as if u look at graphics modes(or somethign like that) post it has some intresting things that could save a lot of time

yes u are correct no interrupts

yes they will run on any monitor basically

ummm searching this forum or maybe here

the pc type dont matter MOST of the time as long as it is intel compatable(i386 prtected mode is usually what u want and not to optimize to make it only work in pentiums or what not)

your welcome :-D