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PIC does not reset?

Posted: Mon Nov 07, 2016 10:40 am
by DCNick3
I have this timer ISR

Code: Select all

.global KiIRQ0Handler
.type KiIRQ0Handler, @function
	.long 0
	.string "It's time!~"

	addl $0x01, KiTimerCounter
	cmpl $3, KiTimerCounter
	jle KiIRQ0Handler_exit
	push $KiItsTimeText
	call KiFault

	push %eax
    # Here I'm performing PIC reset, but it looks like It's not resetted...
    # I can receive only one IRQ
	mov  $0x20, %al
	out  %al, $0x20
	pop  %eax
This being called only once? but I set up timer like this

Code: Select all

static VOID inline KiPortOutByte(WORD bPort, BYTE bValue)
	ASM VOLATILE ("mov %0, %%al; mov %1, %%dx; outb %%al, %%dx" : : "g"(bValue), "g"((WORD)bPort));

/* ......... */

KiPortOutByte(0x43, 0x33);
WORD wReloadValue = 65535;
KiPortOutByte(0x40, wReloadValue & 0xFF);
KiPortOutByte(0x40, (wReloadValue & 0xFF00) >> 8);
What am I doing wrong?

Re: PIC does not reset?

Posted: Mon Nov 07, 2016 10:48 am
by heat

Code: Select all

cmpl $3, KiTimerCounter
jle KiIRQ0Handler_exit
This seems odd, to say the least.

Re: PIC does not reset?

Posted: Mon Nov 07, 2016 10:54 am
by DCNick3
heat wrote:

Code: Select all

cmpl $3, KiTimerCounter
jle KiIRQ0Handler_exit
This seems odd, to say the least.
Why it's odd?
It's checking if the counter is bigger than 3.
If yes - it runs KiFatal with argument - string "It's time!~"

P.S. I'm using QEMU debugger to determine, that ISR is called.

Re: PIC does not reset?

Posted: Mon Nov 07, 2016 11:07 am
by heat
DCNick3 wrote:
heat wrote:

Code: Select all

cmpl $3, KiTimerCounter
jle KiIRQ0Handler_exit
This seems odd, to say the least.
Why it's odd?
It's checking if the counter is bigger than 3.
If yes - it runs KiFatal with argument - string "It's time!~"

P.S. I'm using QEMU debugger to determine, that ISR is called.
Yes, you're right, my bad. Try replacing that iret for an 'iretd' or 'iretq'(iretq if you're in 64-bit mode).
PS: You also should want to add a 'cli' at the start of the IRQ handler

Re: PIC does not reset?

Posted: Mon Nov 07, 2016 11:14 am
by DCNick3
heat wrote:
DCNick3 wrote:
heat wrote:

Code: Select all

cmpl $3, KiTimerCounter
jle KiIRQ0Handler_exit
This seems odd, to say the least.
Why it's odd?
It's checking if the counter is bigger than 3.
If yes - it runs KiFatal with argument - string "It's time!~"

P.S. I'm using QEMU debugger to determine, that ISR is called.
Yes, you're right, my bad. Try replacing that iret for an 'iretd' or 'iretq'(iretq if you're in 64-bit mode).
PS: You also should want to add a 'cli' at the start of the IRQ handler
Looks like GNU AS doesn't know instruction iretd, but iretl is ok.
Added cli, but all of this doesn't help =C

Re: PIC does not reset?

Posted: Mon Nov 07, 2016 11:23 am
by heat
Check if you're actually returning from the interrupt handler, for starters.

Re: PIC does not reset?

Posted: Mon Nov 07, 2016 11:30 am
by DCNick3
heat wrote:Check if you're actually returning from the interrupt handler, for starters.
Yes It returns, program continues to run, when I debug it step-by-step, it's successfully returns.

Re: PIC does not reset?

Posted: Mon Nov 07, 2016 1:03 pm
by iansjack
You seem to be configuring the PIT in one-shot, BCD mode. I'm not sure that's what you want.

Re: PIC does not reset?

Posted: Mon Nov 07, 2016 1:25 pm
by DCNick3
iansjack wrote:You seem to be configuring the PIT in one-shot, BCD mode. I'm not sure that's what you want.
Thanks a lot, I missed last bit of the command-code
UPD: But it still doesn't work =C
UPD2: It's alive, thanks a lot!